Meet The Teacher

Mrs Marshall and P4A look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 10th September from 2.45-3.15pm.  We will discuss class routines, topics to be covered this term and how to access the class blog.

We will then be doing topic work where you will be able to see the work we are doing in class.

See you then 🙂

Teejay Homework Chapters

Coral Homework Ch 01 Whole Numbers

Coral Homework Ch 02 Symmetry

Coral Homework Ch 03 Money

Coral Homework Ch 04 Time

Coral Homework Ch 05 Whole Numbers 2

Coral Homework Ch 06 Statistics

Coral Homework Ch 07 Number Machines

Coral Homework Ch 08 Two Dimensions

Coral Homework Ch 09 Angles

Coral Homework Ch 10 Fractions

Coral Homework Ch 11 Positions/Movement

Coral Homework Ch 12 Length & Area

Coral Homework Ch 13 Patterns

Coral Homework Ch 14 Three Dimensions

Coral Homework Ch 15 Volume & Weight

Christmas Party

A quick reminder that the Primary 4 Christmas Party is on Monday 17th December straight after lunch.

Children can either go home for lunch and get changed for their party or can bring their clothes with them and change at school.

We are all looking forward to a fun afternoon of dancing and games. 

Christmas newsletter

This week we will be working hard on a weekly Christmas newsletter and it will be full of Christmas ideas.  It will be filled will fun Christmas crafts and a word  search also a fun Christmas movie with lots of  great Christmas French words.

Come and see what is happening now!  It will cost 10p and we will be selling the  newsletter in the meeting room all next week. We hope you enjoy our Christmas newsletter and we hope you can come and buy one from12:45 to 1:00 pm daily.


Only 2 days left until we show you what we have been learning all about in class related to anti-bullying and kindness.

Children are allowed to wear something blue for their assembly.  This can be either their school jumper or cardigan or they can wear a blue t-shirt or the likes from home if they have anything suitable.  Can they please bring this in to change into in the afternoon.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday.


Class Charter

Our class charter was agreed by everyone in the class.  We looked at the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and decided which 4 articles were the most relevant to our class.

Take a little look at what we produced for the class to follow throughout the year.

Our Class Assembly

Our class assembly will be on Friday 23rd November at 2.30pm in the Gym Hall.  We will be focusing on anti-bullying and kindness and we invite you to attend to see what we have been learning.

We look forward to seeing you then.

Mrs Marshall and P4A

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