Good morning P4. I hope you all had a great weekend and kept yourselves busy. We had lots of fun building lego, going for walks and Eva painted a stone to add to the caterpillar trail in Dunlop.

This morning your assignments will go live at 9am and I will be on here between 10-11am and 2-3pm to answer any questions you have regarding work or if you just need a chat. They do not need to be completed until Wednesday giving you a few days to complete. Tuesday and Wednesday’s assignments will go live at 9am tomorrow. Remember to do what you can when you can.
The ‘Scotland Rocks’ competition begins today. It is active from 2-7pm from today until Thursday 11th June. I have attached a PowerPoint explaining the rules of the competition. I have also uploaded the leaderboard from last week to give you a bit of a boost. This is not from the competition- this is what it looked like from last week with the people who tried it out.
Have fun and good luck.

Numeracy 8th June
Task 1
‘Hit the Button’ on Topmarks. Select division and choose which tables you want to practise but try those you find particularly tricky.
Task 2
Practise your tables and time yourself writing them out and let me know your times. Try doing the tables you were focusing on last week for your multiplication/division flowers (6x & 7x).
Number Talks
Complete the number problem (567- 235) or (199 – 47). Remember to write the title of which strategy you are using in each box. You can write directly on the Number Talks sheet below and upload or write on a piece of paper, take a photo and upload it to your assignments. You can choose from:
*place value partitioning
*keep a constant difference
*adjusting for easier numbers
Use the link below to help remind you of the strategies.
Number Talks Subtraction Visual Aids
Literacy 8th June
Weekly spelling words
creature capture future nature vulture puncture
Common words
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Using each of your spelling words practise writing your words using the strategies of syllabification, diacritical marking and words within words. Complete on a word document or piece of paper and upload to assignments. Remember to ‘add work’ and ‘hand-in’.
Bug Club (to be completed by Friday 12th June)
Continue with your reading book and comprehension. It is really important that you make sure you read the questions properly and try to answer in as much detail as you can.
Sparrows– Beowulf and the Beast Swifts– The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Haunted House
Swans- Pirate School: Nice Dog! Seagulls- Pet Finders on the Case
*Remember you can upload each part as you do it. You can then go back to completed assignments and add more work as you go along*
Challenge Calendar
*This is an optional assignment*
Each week I will upload the weekly challenge calendar in the new Weekly Challenge Calendar Channel. This way you can chat about or upload any photos of your challenges for your classmates to see. It also means you can view the calendar each day to remind you of the challenges.

‘Scotland Rocks’ competition
This week is the times table competition called ‘Scotland Rocks’ which has been set up for the school to take part in. It will run from today Monday 8th June until Thursday 11th June where you need to answer as many questions correctly as possible in that four day period and you will have the chance to win prizes and get a certificate. It will be active from 2-7pm each day. Here’s your username details and the link to follow. I have attached a PowerPoint explaining the rules of the competition. Have fun and good luck!
P4A TTRS Username Labels (1)
Scotland Rocks 2020 PowerPoint
Scotland’s Rocks! competition website
HWB- Joyful June
Write down three things that you are grateful for. These could be people, pets, where you live or some activities you have been doing. You could produce a poster or write them down as bullet points with some images. It is totally up to you. Sometimes we can focus on the negative things and forget about all the things we should be thankful for. Have Fun!