Home Learning 1.2.21

Good morning everyone! It’s the 1st of February today; the shortest month of the year. Do you know how many days are in February this year?

Our daily live lesson is at 11am again. Check out my maths post below to see what we’ll be talking about today.


Mrs Webb and I would like you to complete a short questionnaire each day to let us know how you are feeling. As part of the questionnaire, you will see that we have chosen a Pupil of the Day. It is always nice to try and make others feel good so each day we want you to say something nice about our Pupil of the Day. Your compliments will all be put together and sent to whoever has been chosen for that day. If you are the pupil of the day, you can say something you like about yourself or something you are proud about yourself. You will be asked to enter your name at the top of the questionnaire but Mrs Webb and I are the only people who will see your responses and the compliments to the pupil of the day will not have your name beside them. We have some lovely photos of some of you doing your work that will be great to use to make your Pupil of the Day certificate with all the lovely compliments on it. If you haven’t sent us any photos, please send one and copy both Mrs Webb and I in. The certificates will be sent to parents’ email accounts and not posted publicly. Click on the Daily Feelings link below to access the questionnaire.

Daily Feelings 


You all have new books allocated to your Bug Club accounts. Today your task is to read your book, make sure you are spotting all your common words and then answer the bug questions on each page.

Ladybirds- Zip and Zap at the Zoo

Glow-worms- King Pip and the Troll

Spiders- Sarah’s Tap Shoes


Our new phoneme this week is ‘ue’. Click on the link below for your phonics lesson.

ue Phoneme


We are beginning a new topic on money today. I would like you to think about what you know about money. What is it used for? Why do we need it? What does it look like? Get a blank piece of paper and write/draw everything you know about money. (Parents please allow your child to work independently on this, without giving them ideas, so I have a clear idea of what they know)

We will be discussing this on our call today but for those who are unable to join us, you can send me your money work by email. I’m looking forward to hearing all of your ideas.

For our money tasks, you will need at least one of each coin. You can use real coins if you have them but we have made up wee bags of plastic coins that can be collected from the school if you need them.

Mrs Deans 🙂


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