Working in Wellies Sciences Information

Here, you will find further information about the organisations featured on our sciences video page.

LANTRA Scotland

With assistance from the Scottish Government, we are increasing the number and diversity of employees in Scotland’s land-based, aquaculture and environmental conservation sector, and driving their skills development.

· We will promote the sector as a positive and rewarding career choice, celebrating the achievements of learners, and raising the standard of new entrants.

· We will influence skills policies, and learning and training provision, helping to address the requirements of, and skills gaps identified in, Scotland’s land-based sector.

· We will support the development and maintenance of a skilled workforce, and help drive investment in learning and skills development, by promoting the business benefits of, and opportunities for, investment in skills and training.

Find out more by following these links:

LANTRA Youtube

Information on job roles, qualifications, case studies and careers with LANTRA:

Learning section of LANTRA website with information on STEM interactive presentation, schools, pathways, skills initiatives, etc:

University of Strathclyde

The university offers open days available for students to visit the campus. The department can also be contacted for student visits.

You can find out more here:

Find out more about the pure and applied chemistry research here:

Welcome to the Bruns Lab – Sustainable Functional Polymers

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