Working in Wellies Engineering Information

On this page, you will find out further information about SP Energy Networks, who feature on our engineering videos page.

Scottish Power Energy Networks

As a Distribution and Transmission Network Operator SP Energy Networks keep electricity flowing to homes and businesses throughout Central and Southern Scotland, North Wales, Merseyside, Cheshire and North Shropshire. They do this through the network of Overhead Lines and Underground Cables which they own and maintain. No matter who you pay your bill to, they’re the people to contact if you have a power cut, need a new or upgraded power connection or spot an issue with our equipment.

Scottish Power Energy Networks offers a comprehensive 2-year graduate scheme for post university students, as well as a Power Apprenticeship program for students looking to develop a career in the electricity industry after School/College. They also have a popular apprenticeship programme.

These links explains the graduate program and the application process:

Here is a link to a leaflet about Scottish Power apprenticeships and Trainee Programmes:

Apprenticeship and Trainee Programmes

You can also find out more about SP Energy Networks via their Twitter page: @SPEnergyNetwork

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