Horton Hears a Who! – Literacy Activities

Horton Hears a Who!

This is a Dr Suess book with a powerful message – ‘ A person’s a person, no matter how small.’  Watch Jeff Goldblum reading the story before trying out some of the activities You Tube – Horton Hears a Who! 

These activities are suitable for learners working at Early to Second Level depending on the level of support.

Literacy Activities

Horton Teacher Support Notes include a number of Literacy Lesson resources.  For further Teaching and Learning ideas see below.

Horton Hears a Who! – Mind Map provides an overview of an IDL topic based on the book.  Activities relating to all curricular areas can be accessed from the Remote Learning landing page.

See below for further Literacy suggestions for Horton Hears a Who!

Who Make Believe

CfE Es and Os  Writing LIT 0-19a, Writing LIT1-20a

Go on a hunt for small natural objects outdoors.   If you can’t go outdoors at all, search for objects waiting to go into the recycling bin.

Are these objects being used by tiny Whos? How are they being used? Are pieces of dandelion fluff being used as tiny parachutes?  Are empty snail shells being used as Who fun parks? A Who might build a boat using a tiny leaf for a sail. Get some inspiration from

Nature Detectives – Leaf Boats

Write, tell or act out a story based on this new world you have discovered.

 Find the Rhymes

CfE Es and Os  Writing LIT 1-28a / LIT 1-29a and  Writing LIT 2-27a

Read the book and look for the  rhymes Dr Seuss uses to tell the  story (cool/pool, yelp/help ..).  Why do you think some authors choose to tell stories in rhyme?

Begin a collection of rhyming words of your own.  Ask everyone in your household to help out.

Design a Missing Poster – Help us find the Whos

CfE Es and Os  Wrting LIT 1 – 26a and LIT 2 -26a

You may have seen posters around your community put up by people who are searching for a missing pet cat or dog.  The posters normally include a photograph of the missing pet and a few words to describing them.  In Horton Hears a Who! the Whos are so tiny that no-one in the Jungle of Nool has ever seen them.  Until the very end of the story only Horton has even heard them.  Designing a poster for Whos is going to be a real challenge!

Take a look at some good poster design examples Poster Examples.

Your poster should tell us

  • who the Whos are
  • why they need to be found
  • when they were last seen/heard
  • who you should contact if you think you can help


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