First Level (Primary 2, 3 and 4) Science Learning Activities

These pages will look to support your child’s learning of science. These activities cover ​planet Earth; forces, electricity and waves; biological systems; materials; and topical science.  They are suitable for learners working at First Level or in Primary 2, 3 or 4.

All about the bees

Spider in your bath!

Parts of a flower

Make Your Own Pond

Make a Sound Map

Mini Beast Hunt

Natural Paints and Dyes

Rocket Making

Making Parachutes, can you save an egg?

Grow a Pea Head Person


LOST have created a set of resources we have called Literacy Out of the Box.  The resources are suggestions for tasks across all 8 curricular areas which link to the reading of a particular story.  Click on Introduction to Literacy Out of the Box Resources to find out more and, where possible, find links to video and audio readings.  You do not need to know the stories to enjoy most of the activities.  Below, you will find learning activities which relate to the resources and are suitable for learners working at First Level.

The Lorax – Science Activities

Horton Hears a Who! – Science Activities

The Woo in the Wild Woods – Sciences Activities

The Wilderness War activities are suitable for learners working at Primary 4 level and above.

The Wilderness War – Science Activities

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