Copious amounts of equipment aren’t always necessary, being creative and using what is already there can often be as engaging as bringing out a new fancy piece of equipment. Most schools will have the maths equipment such as trundle wheels and tape measures.
If you are looking for a particular item it is worth asking us, we have probably already sourced the best quality and best price – and made sure it’s on EAC procurement system! Use the form at the bottom to contact us.
Teacher Kit lists would be useful if classes are engaging in frequent outdoor learning. Here we have three options; playground, greenspace and urban spaces.
Here is a list of easy to acquire equipment that you might find useful for taking learning outdoors in your own school playground.
Shelters are available for all schools in EAC many schools now have them already in place. Contact the team if you would like one.
There are lots of ideas of equipment on this list such as hats, waterproofs etc EAC Equipment List although we would suggest equipment such as can be found in the COACh boxes would be worth while purchasing.
There are also a number of equipment kits that can be loaned for 2 weeks for free :