Category Archives: Uncategorized

What’s on @LOST next week?

It’s Friday again! Looking ahead to next week, we have a fantastic free webinar on “Developing your school grounds for learning” with Carolyn McFarlane.

We all know that OL should be a regular and frequent experience for the young people we work with. In the past year we have become especially aware of the importance of utilising the spaces we have within the school estate. Looking ahead to the return to school, this is a good time to start planning the changes that we can make that will help develop stimulating and engaging outdoor spaces for learning within our own school grounds.

This webinar will be on Tuesday 26th January at 4-5pm on Google Meet. You can find the link for this webinar and find out more about our upcoming sessions here: LOST Webinars

Robert Burns Literacy Outdoors Learning Activities

It is almost Burns Night! To celebrate, we have created a literacy outdoors resource with Burns themed activities, perfect for use on daily walks. The activities can be easily differentiated to suit all levels of learners and include letter hunts, acrostic poems and street name searches: Daily Walk: Burns Night

This activity and many more can be found in our newsletter. Make sure you are signed up by following this link: Newsletter Sign Up

Check out our past newsletters for any remote learning activities you may have missed, here: Past Newsletters

Outdoor Workout – a taster activity!

It is almost time for our weekly newsletter! This outdoor workout remote learning activity is a taster of what you will find in it this week.

Creating your own outdoor workout will help you to maintain your fitness and could become part of your weekly or even daily routine. We have shared some suggestions of activities that learners working at First and Second level could do to get started and a worksheet that they could use to record their workouts. Pupils could encourage others in their household to join in or could share workouts virtually with their peers. Find out more here: Outdoor Workout

Don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter here: Newsletter Sign Up

And remember we have a whole range of remote learning activities on our website: Learning at Home

Happy Monday!

We hope you had a nice weekend and are feeling ready for another week of remote learning.

We have a whole range of resources right here on our website ready for you to use with your classes or for your own professional development.

Learning at Home – lesson plans and activities across all 8 curricular areas, ready to be used or adapted to your setting.

Professional Development – lots of different types of CPD options that can be done remotely and are suitable for any point in your outdoor learning journey

Webinars – we have lots of webinars coming up every Tuesday evening for the next few weeks.  First up this Tuesday is a session on making the most of your John Muir Award.

Newsletter Sign Up – and finally, join hundreds of other practitioners across the country in signing up for our newsletter which will share with you a weekly list of lessons, activities and resources to support outdoor learning with your class.

As always, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any of our team if you need support.


Coming up next week

Happy Friday everyone! We hope you have all had a good first, full week back in what is another very strange term.  We have been so impressed by all of the fantastic examples of remote learning that we have been seeing on Glow and Twitter.

Next week, we have a fantastic webinar coming up on Tuesday evening at 4pm.  ‘Making the most of your John Muir Award” will be lead by our partners at the John Muir Trust, including our East Ayrshire LOST member, Lorna Sloan.

This webinar will give you some top tips on completing your proposal form, share new activity ideas for the Four Challenges and you will find out about how you can use the Award for progression or with different audiences.

You can sign up for this webinar and others by visiting our Webinars page.

You can also keep your CPD up to date, even in lockdown, by visiting our Professional Development page, where you will find a range of different options for any stage in your outdoor learning journey.

Tiny Treasure Hunt

It’s time for us to share some of the fantastic resources that we have on our website with you.  All of our resources are suitable or easily adapted to remote learning.

Tiny Treasure Hunt

A Tiny Treasure Hunt is a fantastic way to explore the Numeracy and Mathematics of everyday objects and develop young children’s mathematical vocabulary. This is a hands on, fun activity where the aim is collect as many tiny objects as you can but make sure that you can fit all of them into your ‘treasure chest’ at the same time!

For teachers, this activity can be used to help deliver Es and Os in the CfE MNU curriculum at Early Level in Number, Money and Measure, with potential discussions around counting, size, weight and pattern.

Have a look at our website here to find out more. This activity and more can be found in our newsletter, which you can sign up for here.

LOST Newsletter

Today, we have published our first newsletter of 2021, which is full of remote learning lesson plans across Curriculum for Excellence levels, advice for taking learning outdoors remotely, information from our partners and CPD webinar dates for your diary.

You can sign up for our newsletter here which will mean it will be delivered to your email inbox every Wednesday morning.  If you have missed any of our past newsletters you can catch up here.

Learning at Home Resources

Welcome back everyone!  We hope you have had a restful (if very different to usual) Christmas break.
We realise that the latest news and changes have thrown everyone’s planning up in the air but we hope the Learning Outdoors Support Team can provide you with support for your Learning at Home planning and delivery.
Learning Resources on the EAC LOST website
Here on our LOST website, you can find resources for pupils both Learning at Home and Learning at School across all curricular areas.  You will find lesson plans and activities listed according to CfE level and stage.  We are continually adding materials and home learning suggestions.
The Learning at Home pages provide links to both stand alone activities and to IDL topics based on texts suitable for learners working from Early to Second Level.  The activities in each IDL topic have been specifically designed so that they can be completed using items commonly found at home and, though the topics are based on picture books and novels, many of the activities can be completed without using the texts and, where possible, we have included links to video readings of the books.
IDL Topic Resources available for Loan
We have a limited number of copies of the IDL topic novels which we can lend to classes working from home. If you are working at a current or previous COACh school you will already have 10 copies of each story in your COACh resource boxes.
EAC LOST Newsletter
Our Newsletter goes out every Wednesday.  You can subscribe using the link here: Sign up
The newsletter is delivered directly to your inbox  providing you with updates on new resources, dates for your diary, webinar details and further inspiration.  The newsletter is a team production with contributions from the COACh team and our strategic partners.  To see previous Newsletters visit here.
EAC LOST Webinars 
Our programme of webinars continues and covers a wide variety of topics including Maths in the Outdoors, Developing School Grounds for Learning and STEM by Nature.  Many of the sessions are presented by the LOST team and we are very excited to be hosting a sequence of sessions from Eco Schools Scotland. Find out more here!
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is anything we can do to further support your work. Aly and Carolyn can be contacted using the following emails:
Take care and stay safe.

Working in Wellies Careers Event

Today, we are very excited to launch our brand new teaching resource and online careers event – Working in Wellies.

This is a supporting resource following on from the successful ‘Women in Wellies’ event held by LOST  in partnership with Dumfries House and RHET (Royal Highland Educational Trust) and the subsequent ‘How To’ toolkit resource.  The event and toolkit are funded and supported by Education Scotland’s Enhancing Professional Learning in STEM Grants Programme through the Scottish Government STEM Education and training Strategy.

Our online event aims to engage and connect teachers and students with professionals working across a variety of STEM and rural sectors.  Through a structured lesson plan and by using our suite of resources including an interactive pupil passport and 2 minute career talk videos, teachers can support pupils to explore the different roles and career pathways, consider how these could apply to their lives and ambitions and begin to make informed choices about their future.

Find out more about the event and how you to carry it out with your class by visiting the Working in Wellies Careers Event page.