Wider Achievement Awards

If you are looking for a project or challenge to set for your class at home, have a look at some of these wider achievement awards.  These are projects that we work on regularly with pupils in school but they can be easily carried out in home settings too.

RSPB Wild Challenge – activities which encourage pupils from early level and beyond to engage with and help nature; build habitat heaps, create feeders and experience the wonder of nature with this award.  Three levels are available to work towards – gold, silver and bronze – with different amounts of activities being completed in the process of achieving each.

Heritage Heroes – Participation in this award aims to encourage young people to connect with, explore and enjoy the past, and to reward their achievement.  This award can also be completed at home.

John Muir Award – This is an environmental award which can be completed in your garden with your family.  This link will share further ideas and contacts with you about how you can complete or encourage your pupils to complete their award.

As always, please feel free to get in touch with one of the team if you need further information.

Our Team

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