Homework – wb 26.2.24


Find the main idea and supporting evidence from the text. Write your answers under sub-headings in your red jotter.

Jelly Babies and Gummy Bears

Cola Bottles


Pyramids/Cylinders – Work out the total cost of the bills. Use the 4 operations to help you and show all working. This should be completed in your yellow jotter.


Spheres – Complete the addition and subtraction of money worksheet in your yellow jotter.

Money Adding and Subtracting

Cubes –  Complete the place value worksheet.

Missing Numbers

Homework – wb 19.2.24


Create alliterative names for the animals on the worksheet. Remember alliteration is when words have the same beginning letter eg, absolutely amazing animals. Complete this task in your red jotter.

Extra challenge for Jelly Babies – pick an animal from the worksheet and write a paragraph about the animal using alliteration – similar to what we tried in class 🙂



Pyramids/Cylinders – Complete Exercise 1 of the probability worksheet in the yellow jotter. For extra challenge, Exercise 2 can be completed 🙂



Spheres – Complete the multiplication calculations in your yellow jotter. If you need to borrow a tables square just let me know.


Cubes –  Complete the place value worksheet.

Missing Numbers

Homework – wb 5.2.24


Write a poem of your choice from the following:

  • haiku (3 lines, 5-7-5 syllable pattern with a nature theme)
  • acrostic (topic word down the side will be theme of poem)
  • kenning (noun/noun or noun/verb phrases with a hyphen, verbs ending in -er or -ing, like a riddle)

This is to reinforce learning from writing lessons covered so far this term. Pupils can complete this task in the red homework jotter.


As this is a shorter week, pupils have a Sumdog challenge to complete over the week.

Please not there will be no homework wb 12.2.24 due to the holiday and in-service day.