Pupil Progress Reports/Home Learning Packs

Dear Parent/Carer,

Pupil Progress Reports and Home Learning Packs (a combination of on-line resources/materials) will be issued to pupils tomorrow.

If your child is currently absent from school you can collect them between 2.00pm – 3.00pm at the main entrance to the Campus.

I trust you find this information helpful.

Thank you all for your support in these unprecedented times.


Kind Regards

Mrs D Wright

Head Teacher

Maths Resource

OUP are providing free access to MyMaths in response to school closures.  MyMaths provides high quality interactive lessons and resources to support learning for all children.  To access use https://www.mymaths.co.uk/

Message from OUP:

Wherever you teach, wherever you learn, MyMaths is with you. If your school is affected by Coronavirus and you need online resources, sign up for free access to MyMaths until Sept 2020.

Primary: ow.ly/nCGR50yN2IO

Secondary: ow.ly/Rart50yN30w

P7 – Inverclyde Residential Trip

Dear Parents/Carers

Our P7 residential trip to Inverclyde has been cancelled.  Parents/Carers will receive a full refund.  You will be notified when this money will be refunded.  This may take a little while due to the current circumstances.


Mrs Stewart

Deputy Head Teacher


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