Summer Term

Welcome back to a very different summer term.  I hope you are all well and are able to enjoy the sunshine.

We now need to prepare for more learning at home and I must acknowledge the hard work being undertaken by my staff and also thank you all for your support and patience – especially with I.T. issues – during this unprecedented time.

Please keep safe and contact us if you are having any issues.  We are here to help.


Mrs D Wright

Head Teacher

JHPS P1-3 Home Learning Grids

P1-3 JHPS Home Learning Grids for this week were uploaded to Microsoft Teams yesterday morning. Please make sure you  log in to your child’s account via GLOW to see what their tasks are for the week. There are also challenges on Sumdog and Study Ladder for the children to complete. It would be great to have the children upload some of their work onto their class ‘teams’ page for others to see. Thank you for your continued support,

P1-3 JHPS Staff x


A note for P4/5

Hope you have all enjoyed the Easter break. Now that term 4 has officially started, please check your glow emails and keep in touch regularly. Remember there are lots of fun activities listed on our class pages on the website. You can work on these at home or in school. I will also prepare a new work pack for each of you; and I’ll post when this is ready.  Stay safe 😊

From Miss Gorry

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