This morning P1-4 enjoyed a performance from Alan’s Magic Show. The children had a great time learning about Road Safety with a magical twist!
Good Afternoon,
On Thursday 5th March we will be celebrating World Book Day. Throughout the week beginning Monday 2nd March there will be various activities in which the children are taking part in within their classes. There will be opportunities for some paired reading and ‘DROP EVERYTHING AND READ’ time throughout the week. Therefore, children across all stages are welcome to bring in a couple of books/magazines from home which they will be able to read during this time and share with their classmates. Thank you for your continued support,
Miss Baldie
This year World Book Day is on Thursday 5th March. We will be taking part in a variety of activities within school throughout the week but will not be asking the children to dress up this year. More information about activities will follow in the coming weeks.
Many Thanks