Respect Me – Parents/Carers – We Need YOU!

Happy  Friday Families!

What a great first week back our whole school has shared together!

We would like to provide some information on how we will ensure Scotland’s Anti-Bullying ‘Respect Me’ ethos of safety and respectful relationships will be shared across our whole school community.

On Tuesday, Mr Swan our new Home Link Worker will be delivering a Respect Me assembly for the full school, after which interactive lessons will take place in classes. We will be appointing Respect Me Pupil Ambassadors who will meet regularly with Mr Swan to create our own school mission statement and take ownership for helping all young people to feel safe, happy, included and respected.

However, Mr Swan also needs YOU, our parents/carers!

If you would like to join our Respect Me Parent/Carer Ambassadors Group please complete the short form below by Fri 2 Sept. This will be an opportunity to chat, learn how our families can be supported by Respect Me and the school, challenge perceptions and ensure safety and respect are at the heart of our community. Mr Swan will also provide biscuits!!

Together we can be the best we can be.

Have a great weekend!

I would like to join the Respect Me Parent/Carer Ambassadors Group(required)

I would prefer meetings took place on a (required)

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