Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

October 14, 2022
by Miss Frew

P5 Weekly Blog- End of Term 1!

Can you believe that we’ve reached the October holidays already!? This term has flown in and it’s been lots of fun. Here is a summary of what’s been happening in P5 in term 1:

HD Back To School Smiling Cartoon kids PNG | Citypng


We have been focusing on learning our spelling using phonemes. Thank you for all your support with spelling homework as this has really helped the pupils to achieve good scores in their spelling tests. We will continue this approach in Term 2.

Our focus for writing has been on poetry, explanations and creative writing. P5 have a better understanding of using adjectives to make their writing more interesting and are still focusing on their proof reading skills.

For reading, we have been reading a novel as a class and practising the skills of metalinguistics, visualisation and improving our comprehension. Some groups have also been developing their fluency when reading aloud by working with Mrs McNaughton.

Next term we will continue to work on our spelling using phonemes, get a new class novel and focus on new reading skills and will be looking at creative writing as well as newspaper reports and recounts.


In maths, pupils explored place value. This helped them to investigate larger numbers and most pupils can work with up to 7 digit numbers now. P5 can read, write, order, partition and round these numbers to the nearest 10 and nearest 100.

We also completed some tasks based on coordinates. We really enjoyed playing battleship together!

Next term, we will be focusing on measuring length in cm and m and addition and subtraction.

Other Areas

Our topic this term was “The Body” with a focus on the circulatory system. P5 explored the vital organs and investigated the circulatory system, respiratory system and the digestive system. We will finish this topic at the beginning of term 2 before moving on to our new topic which is a surprise!

In Health and Wellbeing, pupils gained an understanding of mental wellbeing and having a growth mindset. They were able to illustrate comics that had a character that demonstrated a growth mindset. We also begun learning about friendships and will continue this into term 2.

For music, we have been discussing the beat and rhythm of music. We also got the chance to experiment with different instruments, including lots of percussion instruments! Challenge your child by asking them how people play different families of instruments such as percussion, brass, woodwind and strings.


Thank you for all your hard work in Term 1 P5! I’m excited for even more challenges next term, I’m sure you’ll be amazing! Have a great holiday!

-Miss Frew x

October 13, 2022
by Mrs Johnstone

P7 – Wk. Beg. 10.10.22

What a quick first term!  Everyone is ready for a little break after all the hard work that’s been going on.

This week we started talking about The John Muir Award which our class will work towards throughout the year. We found out about John Muir and why he is a significant Scot from the past: he was an explorer, adventurer and ecologist who cared greatly about nature. Look out for our future work to share what we learn about him.  As an introduction, we watched a short film about John Muir and the award and then we went outside for some blether stations. Groups discussed their ideas about nature and helping our environment; these will be used to create our action plan.

Our focus on ‘Carbon Crunching Carrots’ was completed as the class were challenged to design packaging for our carrot crisps.  We looked at features of packaging, discussing target audiences and persuasive language. Everyone worked really hard on this task and the packets are going to look great on the classroom wall!

We completed the third week of ‘Well-being Champions’ training and this week the focus was on mindfulness and growth mindset. Some of us found that we felt calmer after trying mindfulness exercises.  We were also reminded of the power of YET when faced with something challenging: I can’t do this…yet!

In numeracy, we were using all four operations when rounding to estimate and we discussed when this would be useful in real life, such as, when shopping to keep an approximate running total.

We have lots to look forward to next term but, in the meantime, I hope you have a lovely October holiday!


October 7, 2022
by Miss Baillie

P1 – Week beginning 3rd October

Hello Primary 1 😀

It’s Friday again! We have had a wonderful time in Primary 1 this week. Click on the image below to have a peek at what we have been very busy with this week.

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Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Baillie and Mrs Cuthbertson

October 7, 2022
by Mrs Barclay

P4F Weekly Blog

Happy Friday everyone! We have had another busy week in P4F:

In literacy, we have been completing activities revising our 3 phonemes au, ew and ow. Also we have been working on our reading comprehension skills including predicting and prior knowledge. The pupils have also been looking at alliteration, similes and metaphors to help us with our writing.

In maths, we rounded up our learning on 3D shapes and have been building up our confidence using our place value skills.

Our focus has been on kindness and empathy in HWB. Pupils had great discussions for ways they can be kind in and around the school and displayed their ideas on mind maps. They designed a poster with a slogan about kindness. I was blown away with the creativity! Next week, we will focus more on empathy.

In other areas, we used our knowledge of food chains to create food chain collages. Pupils were able to choose which food chain they created and used a variety of skills to create their food chains. What fun! In PE, we are coming to end of our block on netball and combined all the skills we have been learning and played a game.

Hopefully next week will have better weather!

Mrs Barclay and Mrs Ferguson x

October 7, 2022
by Miss Steedman

P4S w/c 3.10.22

Happy Friday Everyone,

This week we have been busy in our Numeracy lessons learning about how we can use rounding to help us answer tricky addition and subtraction questions.

We have also been using our STEM skills to build 3D shapes.

We have been learning more about how to create a PowerPoint Presentation in GLOW including adding pictures to our slides and adding fun transitions between slides.

Our Class Novel is called The Hodgeheg and the main character Max, is trying to find a safe way to cross the road.  Max is a young and very clever hedgehog who is learning about road safety, just as we are in our HWB lessons.

Have a wonderful weekend,


Miss Steedman


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