Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

June 16, 2023
by Ms Wilson

P6: week beginning 12th June 2023


It’s been a busy week and Primary 6 have worked hard despite the hot weather. Here’s a quick review of what’s been happening.

For literacy, we completed a reading assessment and also used Giglets to develop our comprehension. The spelling focus was revising the prefixes ir,il and im. For writing, we continued to focus on topic paragraphs and using interesting openers to grab the reader’s attention.

In numeracy, we looked at the different ways to solve money calculations. We also revised converting 12 hr and 24 hr times. We have been continuing to sharpen up our multiplication and division facts too.

For interdisciplinary learning, we focused on our personal projects. We used ICT to research facts and information then recorded and shared our learning. We have chosen a wide range of subjects from Greek Mythology to Lionel Messi!

On Wednesday we enjoyed our WOW session outside in the sun. We all had a shot at going through the water sprinkler – it was just what we needed to cool down!

Yesterday we had more fun in the sun when we had our Secret Student reward. We chose to have outdoor games and a picnic. Here are a few photos.

Also this week most of us met our buddies from the EEC. We enjoyed getting to know them and joining in with them during their activities. We’re looking forward to seeing them again on Monday.

Here’s hoping for a sunny weekend again.

June 16, 2023
by Mrs Carey

Friday 16th June P2

Good morning,

What a lovely week we have had again, although a little on the hot side in the classroom. Still hope the good weather continues in particular for our trip to Blair Drummond Safari Park next week. The children are all very excited about the trip, but if you haven’t already returned the AV5 form for the trip could you please do this by Monday. Thanks.

As usual I have attached a sway to give you an insight into some of the things we have been doing recently and the fun we have had  with P1 and P3.

Please just click the link below.

Go to this Sway

Have a lovely weekend. Fingers crossed we won’t get too much thunder and lightning.

Mrs Carey

June 16, 2023
by Mrs McMillan

Primary 3 – 16th June

Another lovely day, it has been a long spell of hot weather and it is good to see the children being sensible in the sun, applying suncream and drinking plenty of water.

Hopefully the weather will stay nice next week for our school trip to Blair Drummond Safari Park on Thursday. If you haven’t already returned the Parental Consent form could we get it back as quickly as possible thanks.

Click on the Sway to see a few things we have been up to this week.

Go to this Sway

June 15, 2023
by Mrs Johnstone

P7 Weekly Blog- 15th June 2023

We have had the windows open this week and we have spent time discussing how to stay safe in the sun during this unusually hot spell.  Pupils worked hard to design posters to remind people to wear sun cream, drink plenty of water, wear a sun-hat, wear sun glasses and stay in the shade.

We have also enjoyed an outdoors games session with Lynsey, Our Active Schools Leader.  She taught us a new version of rounders (involving 6 balls!) and a fun game using control and coordination to keep a ball within a set space.

In Maths, we have been studying databases and pie charts.  Everyone did a great job interpreting and displaying information as a pie chart.

The final task for our STATWARS project, to write a persuasive letter to our local councillor about the fight against climate change, has been completed. Pupils worked in trios to write their letters and now all that remains is for the ‘top team’ to be selected for the Primary Engineer competition.

As part of Health and Wellbeing work, we have been creating memory boards and dream boards this week, to help create positive vision for moving on to the next stage in our lives.  Pupils were very creative and artistic in their arrangement of cuttings to create their collages.

Important Dates

  • Thursday 22nd June – trip to Blair Drummond Safari Park
  • Tuesday 27th June – Prize Giving
  • Tuesday 27th June – P7 Leavers’ Party: 6.30pm-8pm

June 9, 2023
by Mrs Barclay

P4 Week beginning 5th June

Good morning, it’s been another week of gorgeous weather and what a busy week it’s been here a peek at what we’ve been up to:

In Literacy,  we have been continuing to develop our comprehension skills through answering find it, prove it, talk about it questions about our reading books. Our focus in writing this week was on explanation texts. We linked our writing to our topic and wrote an explanation on the process of mummification. Pupils had remembered lots of details about how and why the process took place and once finished we are hoping to share our writing and explain the process to another class.

In Numeracy, we have been rounding off our knowledge on fractions and will be sitting our assessment today. Pupils have made great progress and have been using their knowledge of fact families and bar models to support them in finding tenths and fifths of a number. We got very creative showing where tenths and fifths go on a number line. Using items from around the class, some used lego, playdoh and megabloks. While some drew colourful number line and one group took a very active approach doing star jumps. We were all exhausted!

In other areas, our outdoor learning focus was if our school was an island, could we survive? Pupils from both P4’s worked very hard and we had some excellent shelters, colourful menus made from things found in the grounds and inspiring ways to find/collect water. Our main topic this week was done using a jigsaw learning activity. In their groups, pupils became experts on a different aspect of Ancient Egypt using a variety of skills including researching, note-taking and teamwork. They then became the teachers for the afternoon and taught the rest of the class about their area of expertise. Great teamwork and fun had by all!

Enjoy the sunshine and have a lovely weekend. Thank you all for working really hard despite the hot weather!!

Mrs Barclay x

June 9, 2023
by Miss Baillie

Primary 1 – Week beginning 5th June

Hello Primary 1 🙂 ,

Can you believe we are reaching the end of the school year. Only 3 more weeks to go! Click the image below for a look at what we have been up to.

Go to this Sway

Have a wonderful, sunny weekend everyone 🙂

Miss Baillie

June 9, 2023
by Miss Steedman

P4S wc 5.6.23

Happy Friday Everyone,

It’s been a busy week in P4S where we began the week with our Outdoor Learning Lesson working out how to survive if our school were an island. There were some very interesting menus put together and some super ideas about how (and where) to find/collect water.

In Numeracy, we have been learning about Fractions and the names of the top and bottom numbers of a fraction.  We looked at tenths and used our knowledge of the numerator and denominator to calculate tenths of a number.

In Literacy, P4S wrote Non Chronological Reports about Ancient Egypt, to share their learning of the topic and use that information to decorate and complete a 3D Pyramid filled with very interesting facts.

Our ICT coding lessons continue with the use of the BBC Micro:Bits which are little devices which can be coded to display pictures and messages.  Hopefully they will all be working properly next time (for we had a few hiccups this week with one or two of them).

Of course, our Big News this week was our LEGO Event which many of you will have attended.  Pupils were so happy to be able to share their learning with you about their LEGO Adventure.

As the weekend approaches, may I wish you all a safe and happy time.  Do take care in the sun,

Best wishes,


Miss Steedman

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