Hurlford ECC Induction – Session 2021-22

Hello everyone,

Unfortunately this year we are unable to invite our families starting with us in August for Session 2021-22, into the setting for an induction due to Covid restrictions and our cohort groups.

This year we will be doing a virtual one.  This will include all information you need to know before starting, what we do in the ECC, and meeting our staff team.

This induction will continue in 3 presentations over the next 2 weeks.  Some of the information may change as we return on 19th August due to Covid restrictions so please keep checking our Glow blog for information.

Go to this Sway


Next week we will be looking more at what the children will be learning in the ECC.

One of our practitioners Louise has read ‘The Tiger who came to Tea’ story for everyone to enjoy.

I will be hoping to contact our new starts coming to us in August 2021 by telephone the week beginning 7th June 2021.

If you have any queries then please contact me on

Thank you and we are very much looking forward to welcoming all our children joining us next session.


Progression Reports

Good morning everyone,


Telephone parental appointments take place next week;

  • Monday – Blue Group with Louise
  • Tuesday – Red Group with Amanda
  • Wednesday – Yellow Group with Debbie
  • Thursday – Purple Group with Tracey
  • Friday – Green Group with Moyra

If you have not received your appointment time please get in touch.

I hope all our pre-schoolers moving up were able to watch the first part of the transitional video and enjoyed it? Some may remember the Everywhere Bear from when we had it in the ECC? In their bags today will be a blank picture of the bear for your child to colour in or make a sticky picture with? What ever they may like?

The next part of the transitional journey will be made available from next week.

If you have any questions or need any information then please speak with a member of staff.


ECC – Update

In the ECC today the staff will be having a chat with the children on the importance of parts of their body being covered.

As with Scottish Guidance it is advised that children learn to use the appropriate names for these parts of their body as the staff will be today.

Just a little note as I’m sure some of the children will come home and tell you about this chat. This will be for Blue, Purple & Yellow group only (bubble 1).


Getting ready for school!

We are on the last term of this session which means that our pre-schoolers will be moving up to Primary 1 after the summer.

Transitions may be slightly different this year but we will let everyone know what these will be once confirmed.

In the ECC we will begin looking to promote more independent skills with the children moving up. This is something that we also encourage Parents/Carers to  do at home.

Please click on link for a ready for school checklist

Ready for school

Handy tips:

  •  Labels with child’s name on all their belongings.
  •  Shoes that are easy to put on and fasten – same for gym shoes.
  •  Make sure your child can easily identify their belongings for example; coat, bag, pencil case and lunch bag.
  •  Practice zipping up coat with your child.
  •  Practice organising belongings – if taking off coat, jumper etc to put where it is meant to go and not left laying on floor.
  •  Eating using a knife and fork – if packed lunches easy to open items.

This is a very exciting time for all the children and we want to prepare them as best as we can especially given the circumstances we have all faced this session.

If you need any other information please just ask a member of staff.


Donations for ECC.

Hello everyone,

With the restrictions this year we have been unable to raise any funds for the ECC by hosting fundraising events.

As the weather is brightening up and getting warmer we are hoping to buy some resources for the ECC garden so are kindly asking our families if they would make a donation? This can be any amount that you are able to spare.

I will start collecting tomorrow Tuesday 17th April – there will be a box just at the entrance with a sheet of paper if you could sign name and amount.

This would be greatly appreciated.

All the staff and children in ECC.

Blue, Yellow and Purple Groups

In today’s learning in the ECC we recreated frog spawn using chai seeds and water…..

As you can this was very messy but the children enjoyed playing in it so much that some got covered! We had aprons but well if you find some small black bits on your child clothing, face of hair? Please don’t panic it is just a chia seed and will wash away easy enough…..





Learning Journals

We are continuing to trial out the learning journals here at Hurlford ECC and are pleased to inform that so far these are proving to be successful.

As well as having a window into the learning that is taking place within the ECC we want to remind parents/carers that there is also the option for you to share ‘Achievements at Home’ on your child’s profile – this can anything from riding their bike, helping with tidying or even just sleeping in their own bed all night!!….we know this is a popular achievement. Don’t forget the ECC staff would love to see how well they are doing at home and this is also a way of supporting with your child’s behaviour at home.

To upload a story of an achievement use the ‘Achievements at home’ tab on your child’s profile and this will allow to upload a picture and a description of your child’s achievement.

If you need any other information or help then please do not hesitate to contact myself or a member of staff.

Maria –

Tracey –

Amanda – 

Louise –

Debbie – 

Jill –

Moyra – 

Please note – the staff may not pick up these emails until the end of the working day as they will be in with the children but will get back to you when they get a chance – thank you!

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