Red Nose Day

We are celebrating Red Nose Day on Friday 18th March 2022. If you have anything Red to wear please feel free to wear it on Friday.

We hope to learn with the children a little background of Comic relief and why we raise money for charity. As well as some fantastic red nose activities throughout the day……..

Getting Ready For School

We only have a few weeks left of this term and then after the Easter Holidays, it is the last term before the Summer. Our pre-schoolers will be getting ready to move up to Primary One.

Transitions may be slightly different this year but we will let everyone know what these will be once confirmed.

In the ECC we will begin looking to promote more independent skills with the children moving up. This is something that we also encourage Parents/Carers to  do at home.

Please click on link for a ready for school checklist


If you feel your child is not yet ready to use a pen/pencil then please do not worry as there are lots of activities that will develop their fine motor skills that will make writing and drawing easier in time some of these would include;

  1. Threading – putting small objects through string.
  2. Using a straw and putting pasta through it
  3. Sort small objects like coins, buttons etc
  4. Using playdough – put in objects like cotton buds, small sticks etc
  5. Allow them to use tweezers to pick up small objects

Handy tips for starting P1:

  •  Labels with child’s name on all their belongings.
  •  Shoes that are easy to put on and fasten – same for gym shoes.
  •  Make sure your child can easily identify their belonging
  • s for example; coat, bag, pencil case and lunch bag.
  •  Practice zipping up coat with your child.
  •  Practice organising belongings – if taking off coat, jumper etc to put where it is meant to go and not left laying on floor.
  •  Eating using a knife and fork – if packed lunches easy to open items.
  • Ensuring that your child can confidently and independently go to the toilet themselves and wipe themselves clean.

This is a very exciting time for all the children and we want to prepare them as best as we can especially given the circumstances we have all faced this session.

If you need any other information please just ask a member of staff.


How to register for a place in an Early Years place

Registration for academic year 2022/23 for all early childhood centres, funded ELC providers and approved childminders on the Council Contract Framework in East Ayrshire will take place online from Monday 28 February 2022 until Sunday 13 March 2022.

Please click on the following link to access the Early Years Registration form:

World Book Day

On Thursday the 3rd March 2022, we will be celebrating World Book Day in the ECC.  We love books here at the ECC and encourage children to listen to and explore story books.

We will be hosting a PJ day…..that’s right you can come along in your pyjamas to the ECC!!!! As well as PJ’s we would encourage the children to bring in their favourite book from home. We will be all cosy and comfy and ready to read some of your children’s favourite stories.


Also for World Book Day, we will be supplying your child with a small wooden spoon and ask could you help your child make this spoon into their favourite character from their book. We hope to have these sent home on Monday.  This is a great opportunity for both you and your child to bring out your creative side!!!…

WE LOOK FORWARD TO ALL YOUR CREATIONS!!! Make sure you bring them in on Thursday 3rd March with your book!!

Robert Burns 25th January

Good afternoon,

On Tuesday 25th January we will be celebrating Robert Burns in the ECC as well as some of Scotland’s very own traditions.

The children are welcome to wear tartan if they wish, we will be trying out some Haggis, maybe some Irn Bru……and learning a little about some Highland Coos!!!!!

We look forward to a good wee day!

I hope you all have a good weekend.




Good morning,

We are well underway now with Term 3. Towards end of this month will see new individual targets set by keyworkers for the children which you will be able to see on their Learning Journals.

We have began getting the children out and about in the community, we have been discussing road safety and litter picking this week. Could I remind all parents/carers to have a spare set of clothes in their child’s bag including pants and socks. We do have outdoor suits for the children but depending on how wet or mucky it may be we may need to change them at some point. If your child hasn’t got wellies at ECC that we can keep here could you provide us with a pair please.

We will begin our Numeracy Home links from next week. Each week your child will be allocated with a numeracy homework task and we would encourage finding some time to sit with your child and complete this.  This can also be found on their Learning Journals,  could you please upload how they get on.

Our mud kitchen is looking a bit glum these days… we are on the hunt for some utensils. If you have any old pots, pans, metal utensils, wooden spoons laying about that you were thinking of clearing?? We would happily take them.

Primary 1 Registrations

I cannot quite believe  it is time for registering for Primary 1…I know a lot of people will be having this thought this week. From now until June we will be working hard with the children in preparing them for this next step in their learning journey. We will be putting together a plan for transitional activities starting after the Easter break.

It wouldn’t be an information bulletin without the mention of Covid. As some of you may be aware there are many outbreaks within Primary Schools and ECC’s across East Ayrshire at the moment, this is causing staff shortages and/or home learning for children. We ask that you stay extra vigilant. If your child seems unwell displaying any of the original symptoms, any cold like symptoms including sore head, ears, runny nose etc or an upset stomach. Please do not send them into the ECC.  We understand that this may be frustrating especially this time of year but it has been advised by Scottish Government that a negative PCR result (not lateral flow) is needed before a return to the ECC. This ensures continuous safety for all children and staff.  Thank you all for your patience and understanding.


Merry Christmas

As we stop today for the festive holidays we would like to wish all our children and families an amazing Christmas and New Year.

As well as having a much needed break I would like to ask you to please continue to be vigilant for any potential symptoms of Coronavirus, including “low level” symptoms such as sore heads, sore throats, upset stomachs and cold like symptoms. Before we are due back on 6th January if your child displays any of these symptoms, please do not send them to ECC and book a PCR test.  This approach ensures that we are detecting cases early and keeping everyone as safe as possible. 

Please ensure to check the app for any updates before we return in January.

All the best,


ECC – COVID advice for Parents

Please follow the link to the available advice from Care Inspectorate on whether your child should attend ECC.

Should your child stay at home today

With new guidance being issued regarding COVID it is essential that we remain vigilant.
We would advise if your child is displaying any symptoms at all that a PCR test should be carried out (not a lateral flow). If your child is negative but is displaying cold like symptoms, please consider keeping your child at home to minimise the risk of infecting other children and staff.
A reminder that if your child is sick or has diarrhoea then they must NOT return to ECC until 48 hours after the last episode. Please do not send in your child if this has happened at home.

If you are unsure at all please ask a member of staff or contact 01563 525098

Primary 1 Registration

Hello everyone,

The time has come to register your child for Primary 1 starting August 2022. This is done online from 10th-14th January.

All applications require to be completed online at –

If you stay out with the catchment area then a placing request must be completed.
There is also a section online for deferral should your child be staying with us next session.

If you need any help regarding this form then please ask staff or contact office on 01563 525098.



Dates for your Diary

Good afternoon everyone,

As December is a busy month especially here in the ECC, I have listed some ‘Dates for your Diary’.

Tuesday 7th December Letter to Santa coming home
Wednesday 8th December Christmas lunch in the ECC
Friday 10th December Christmas Jumper Day
Tuesday 14th December Please return Santa’s letter by this date
Tuesday 21st December ECC Christmas Party – come in party clothes
Wednesday 22nd December ECC closes for HOLIDAYS doors open at 2:10pm
Thursday 6th January ECC reopens 8:40am


Your child will come home today with a blank letter for them to complete to send to Santa. Could I please request that the letter be returned to us by Tuesday 14th December.  The staff at The Thistle have kindly made available a dedicated Postbox that goes straight to Santa…..we hope to be able to take the children a walk to the Thistle to post their letters. I have no doubt that Santa will reply to all.


As always this is only if your child wishes to participate and please do not go to any expense.

This year the staff and children have been working very hard in the ECC…….there may be a Christmas Surprise for all our families so watch this space…….

That’s all for now! If you have any questions please get in touch.



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