All posts by Miss Paterson

Parent Talents

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Hello everyone,

As we are approaching Spring we would love to be able to give our ECC playground some much needed tlc. This will involve;

  • Painting
  • Clearing/brushing/litter picking
  • weeding/pruning
  • To break up our bus at side of building

We are also interested in any of our more crafty parents that could perhaps make anything for us? Just a few examples

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We are also looking for some planters that we can use in the playground, ideally these are ones that are being recycled that you no longer use as we are aiming to achieve a Clean Green Award.

We will be hoping, weather permitting to do this on Tuesday 7th March from 12 pm – 2:30pm. The children will access the school playground on this afternoon to allow us time to tidy up.

Please complete the form via link below on whether you can help and what area you could help with.

We greatly appreciate any help.

Trip to Dick Institute

Good morning,

From Monday we will be taking children to visit the Dick Institute, we will be travelling by bus at approx 9:45am, we will be having our lunch at the library and will return to ECC for 1-1:30pm.

Image result for dick institute kilmarnock

We sent home permission/emergency contact forms this week for the trip, if you have yet to return can you please complete and return ASAP.  If we do not have a form your child will not be able to participate. If you have any queries please contact school on 01563 525098 or email me on

We will be taking the children in their keyworker groups.

Monday Purple
Tuesday Blue & Yellow
Wednesday Red
Thursday Green

This is a great opportunity for children to learn about their community, to enjoy some books and explore the museum. We are really looking forward to sharing this experience.

Family Connect

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Family connect is a great opportunity to work with our community practitioners to engage and gain a better understanding of your child’s learning journey.  This will take place within the school, we will be working closely with our families on themes such as social well-being and numeracy.

We are very pleased to be able to provide this opportunity within Hurlford ECC.

Family Connect will take place from Wednesday 22nd February 2023 from 12:45pm-2:45pm, and run for 6 week block. This will consist of 1 hour with practitioners and then 1 hour working with your child. There will be different themes each week with a kit will being sent to your home before the sessions start, you will be expected to bring this along with you to the sessions.

Family Connect is for pre-school children ONLY as part of our transition process before starting Primary 1 in August 2023. We have very limited spaces so please only provide your name if you are able to commit to the 6 week block.

Please complete form.

Free Pictures Of Children Working Together, Download Free Pictures Of ...

Any questions send me an email.

P1 School Registration

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⭐️School Registration⭐️

Primary 1 School Registration begins today online (please see the link below ⬇️) for those children eligible to start in August 2023.

Children who are five years of age between 1 March 2023 and 29 February 2024, and whose parents wish them to attend school, should be registered for education during the week commencing Monday 9 January 2023 until Friday 13 January 2023.

You will require to have a Customer Account to complete your online School enrolment/Primary 1 registration form.

To complete the online registration you will require to upload:

A copy of your child’s birth certificate
two proofs of your residency within the catchment area, for example, Council Tax Notice and utility bill.

Should you require a copy of your child’s birth certificate for registration, this can be obtained at Certificates.Scot.

You must register your child in only one school, either the denominational or non-denominational school for your catchment area. If you are unsure please contact school for catchment areas.

If you are unable to register online then please phone your local school who will assist you to register your child.

If you have discussed a deferral year for your child with the ECC there is an option on the form for this.  


Christmas Show

Good morning,

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our Christmas Show. The children have been practicing very hard and are looking forward to performing.

The show starts at 10am. Please could you come to the ECC playground to enter into the ECC. There will be a register to sign on entry.

We will start off our show with our take on the Nativity story, then have a short break in which tea/coffee and biscuits will be available to allow children to have a quick costume change and then will finish up with our concert.

Could I ask please that if possible could your child come wearing a Christmas jumper with a white t-shirt or top underneath.

Any questions please just ask a member of staff.



Upcoming events

Hello everyone,

We are continuing to be very busy this festive period.  Here is an update on what’s coming next week before we stop for the break.

Monday 19th December is the Christmas Fayre

Christmas Fayre

Tuesday 20th December – we are hosting our first Nativity/Christmas show. This will be from 10-11am. There are 2 adults allowed to attend for each child.  Please come to the ECC playground.

I must insist that parent/carers DO NOT film or take pictures of their child during any performance. We will take pictures and record, this will then be put on children’s learning journals. We ask that this is NOT posted on any social media sites. 

Wednesday 21st December – Christmas Party day. Please come in your party attire and we have a few special surprises for all our children in ECC.

We are also in need of any spare tinsel that you may be looking to get rid of. 

Anymore information please ask a member of staff.

Dates for your Diary

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Good morning,

Here are the dates for our December events.

  • Tuesday 6th December 1:45-2:40pm – Christmas craft afternoon for groups RED, YELLOW & GREEN. ONLY 1 ADULT CAN ATTEND – Please enter at ECC playground.
  • Wednesday 7th December 1:45-2:40pm – Christmas craft afternoon for groups PURPLE & BLUE. ONLY 1 ADULT CAN ATTEND – Please enter at ECC playground.
  • Monday 19th December in the evening – Full school Christmas Fayre.
  • Tuesday 20th December 10am – ECC Christmas Show – ONLY 2 ADULTS PER CHILD CAN ATTEND
  • Wednesday 21st FULL day – Christmas Party.

We have restrictions on the number of adults that can attend each event, and this is due to spaces available. Please keep to 1 adult per child for Christmas workshop and 2 adults per child for the Christmas Show. 

We will also be hosting a Christmas Jumper day, but I will keep you updated on date for this at moment this may be 8th or 9th December 2022.

We are looking forward to a very magical, glittery and exciting time of year.

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