All posts by Miss Paterson

Tuesday 21st April

Good morning ☀️

Today has to be a lovely day so I hope that whether it be in the garden or out a walk, that you can enjoy the sunshine – remember your sun cream 😎 and stay safe!

For today’s task we have a counting one.

Once you count the windows at the front and the windows at the back can you try and add them together? Are there more windows at the front or the back?

Let us know how you get on.


Welcome Back!

Good morning everyone!!

Welcome back after the Easter Holidays.  We will be continuing with our Home Learning so please check in everyday for new ideas on activities that you can carry out at home.

We would like to see or hear what you have all been doing over the Easter Holidays, this can be by drawing or painting a picture? Or if your grown ups have any pictures that they have taken and would like to share we would love to see these.

We hope you all enjoyed our video post and please know that we are all thinking of you and missing you all.  If there is anything at all that we can help with or any concerns then please get in touch.



Friday 3rd April

Good morning everyone!!!

Well we are now at the Easter Holidays and I hope that you all enjoy them.  There will be no Home Learning after today until Monday 20th April.

I have set an Easter Challenge worksheet for you all if you are looking for ideas to keep busy during the holidays.

Easter Challenge

As you know we make regular visits to the Torrance Lodge Care Home.  The residents within the care home at present are not allowed any visitors.  I spoke with Elaine from Torrance Lodge and they would absolutely love it if any of the children in the ECC could draw them a picture and post this to them?  Add a little brightness to their day.

The pictures could be of anything the children would like to draw, or paint, my Bella and I will be sending off some pictures this afternoon – remember to put child’s name and that they are from Hurlford ECC.

Please post to;

Torrance Lodge Care Home, Riccarton Road, Hurlford, Kilmarnock KA1 5LQ.



Thursday 2nd April

Good morning!!

I hope you all enjoyed making your flowers yesterday and finding items on the Spring scavenger hunt…

Today’s daily task is to practice rhyming words.

For the poem below please go over each rhyming word and sound these out with your child.

If you would like to take this further then you could make up some rhyming cards on a piece of paper draw a mouse, a house or a cat and a hat and see if you child can match these up.  If you have lots of toys perhaps make up a rhyming basket – try to put in toys that do rhyme, just a couple would do and ask you child to choose one and pick another that sounds the same.

Hope you enjoy this activity.  Please let us know how your child gets on.


Tuesday 1st April

Good morning!

I hope you have all been able to enjoy the weather in your daily exercise. It is still quite cold, however Spring is here ☀️ Yesterday I found the first flower in my garden had bloomed.

Your task for today is to make some flowers 💐

You could use different materials like paint, pencils, pieces of paper, cupcake cases etc.

We would absolutely love for you all to send us in your pictures of the flowers that you make 😊




All ECC groups

Creative task.

Can you set up a fairy garden?
You could use leaves, sticks and stones. Make sure and collect what you think you may need and ask your grown up where you could set this up? If it is inside you could use an old shoe box, some paper or a old tube.
Do you have a mini princess or a Lego super hero that would like to play in your fairy house?

Have fun and be creative 🎨



Tuesday 31st March

Good Morning!!

Thank you for sending in your pictures we love seeing them.

For today’s daily task – it is a maths one.

Measure the height of the kitchen worktop using a pen/pencil.  How many pens/pencils high is it?

Why don’t you now try guessing the length of other items in the house like your bed, tv unit etc.

Let me know how you get on?

We all love Bookbug within the ECC – unfortunately we never got to have the Easter Bookbug that was planned.  If you would like to have your own bookbug session at home The Scottish Book Trust has made one available online ‘The Big Giggle’.  Access the Scottish Book Trust site, there are lots of songs and rhymes.

I hope you enjoy your activities today.
