All posts by Miss Paterson

Covid-19 Symptoms

Good morning,

We have all been back in the ECC for a few weeks now and we understand the worry should your child be showing signs that they are unwell and what is the next best step.

Here is an update on what to look for should your child fall ill. Please read:

Here is some information from the NHS website on the main symptoms;

The main symptoms of coronavirus are:

  • a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
  • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
  • a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal

Most people with coronavirus have at least 1 of these symptoms.

If you are unclear of the guidance or NHS information then please get in contact with us.




ECC Plans

Good afternoon everyone,

It has been a lovely first week back and getting the opportunity to welcome all children joining us and to the children returning.  Going forward we will still be collecting the children in the morning from the ECC playground. If there are any queries then please speak with a member of staff.

I hope you all received the newsletter and keyworker/group information with your children over past few day . As we are operating 1140 from Monday 24th August there is information on the new enter/exit strategy in place to ensure safety measures are adhered too.  Here is a reminder of those times.

Drop off time Groups Pick up time
8:40 Red & Blue 2:40
8:50 Yellow & Purple 2:50
9:00 Green 3:00


From Monday 24th August we will be collecting £3 snack money every Monday. The children will have access to a snack in the morning which is usually a selection of fruit and again in the afternoon in which we will be offering choices such as sandwiches, crackers & cheese or pancakes. If you have any queries on the snack choices or your child has any dietary requirements then please speak to myself or any member of staff.


The children are provided with a lunch in the ECC. Lunch is served at 11:20. For the lunch menu please refer to the ‘School App for Parents’.

Change of Clothes

Could I please remind Parent/Carers to always have a spare set of clothes in their child’s bag.


Please can you complete and return any forms that you may have been given or the ‘All about me!’ form.

If you have any questions or need to relay information then please get in touch.


01563 525098






Thank you

We would like to say a huge Thank You to all the families for our afternoon tea and to Lindsay for preparing it for us 😊 such a lovely thought and we appreciated it so much. Was just the wee touch on an inservice day we needed.

All 9 of us received a box like this to enjoy (due to Covid) 😁

Thank you again 😊

All the staff ❤️💜💛💚💙

Welcome Back

Good afternoon everyone,

We are very happy to be welcoming back children from tomorrow.

There are a few health and safety measures been put in place for the return of the ECC. We ask that all parents/carers adhere to these measures.

  • Parents/Carers are unable to enter building – children will be collected from ECC play ground and brought out at end of day.
  • There are red 2m distance spots in the play ground we ask that you keep to this distance. (red spots may be slippery if wet)
  • Staff must keep a 2m distance from parents/carers – we understand that in the case we have to take a child from you this will not be possible.
  • All children have a spare set of clothes in a bag to be brought to ECC.

We will be encouraging children to wash hands regularly throughout the session in the ECC. To wipe their nose themselves and discard of tissue in the bin and wash their hands afterwards. We ask that you have a discussion with your child on the importance of hand washing.

The start of new session.

The doors will open 8:45-9:15am for a soft start – this is to allow for children to settle and not all in at one time. At end of the day the doors will open 2:30-2:45pm.

I have listed below just as a reminder to the day that the children start this week. The children are only in one day this week and the pattern will begin from 17th August.

Wednesday 12th August – Starts

  1. Kerr – until 11:15
  2. Adison – until 11:15
  3. Coral
  4. Charley
  5. Bella-Mae – until 11:15
  6. Nathan – until 11:15
  7. Taylor
  8. Callan
  9. Kyrah-Leigh
  10. Eilidh – until 11:15
  11. Alba
  12. Olivia – until 11:15
  13. Harrison – until 11:15
  14. Freddie – until 11:15
  15. Aaron
  16. Gracie
  17. Zoey

From 17th these children will be in pattern Monday and Tuesday.

Thursday 13th August – Starts

  1. Carly
  2. William
  3. Ollie
  4. John K
  5. Hannah – until 11:15
  6. Emily
  7. Daniel
  8. Mustafa
  9. Hollie – until 11:15
  10. Finn – until 11:15
  11. Josh
  12. Jacob – until 11:15
  13. Kelsey – Marie
  14. Danny
  15. Paisley – until 11:15
  16. Jai

From 17th these children will be in pattern Thursday and Friday.

The pattern of days within the ECC is subject to change as we receive new guidance. We understand that these hours are not ideal with parents/carers working hours and we hope to be back with the model 1140 very soon.  We ask for your patience and support throughout this time and to reassure you all that as soon as any changes are made we will be in contact.

If you have any concerns please speak to a member of staff.

Please remember a pair of wellies for your child and suitable outdoor wear -please label. We will be accessing outdoor area no matter the weather.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in contact.

We look forward to seeing you all over the next few days.




Session 2020/21

Hello everyone!!

I would like to say a huge Welcome to our new children starting with us and Welcome back to our returning children. We are incredibly happy that we are getting to be back in the ECC and looking forward to seeing all the children.

Although we are back the ECC will still be working towards the blended model. We will keep you all updated with any information we receive regarding a change in hours as soon as it is made available to us.

Here is a look at our staff structure.

Senior School Management Team

Head Teacher – Mrs Campbell

Depute Head Teacher                                Principle Teacher

Miss Mair                                                            Mrs Miller

Our Early Childhood Centre

Senior Lead Early Learning & Childcare Practitioner

Maria Paterson

Our Early Learning & Childcare Practitioners

Amanda Hopkins                      Moyra Paton

Debbie Fitzgerald                   Ashley Mooney

Jill McLaughlin                         Tracey Beattie

Louise McCloskey

Michelle Quinn

For our new children starting with us.

Unfortunately, we have not been able to have the children in for a visit before starting therefore for their first day/week we ask that the children only stay until 11:15am. This will help gradually make them comfortable in their new surroundings and get to know the staff and other children.

Here is a look round our ECC

When we return.

Due to new safety measures put in place we have had to change the way in which children enter the ECC therefore Parents/Carers are unable to access the building to bring in their child. The staff team will greet them in the ECC playground and take them indoors. This situation we understand is not ideal for children newly starting with us and for returners, but we will do the absolute best we can to make this transition positive for both the children and their families. We please ask for your patience and support in these changes. For pick up also the staff will bring your child out to you within the ECC playground.

Doors open for drop off 8:45-9am and pick up 2:30-2:45pm

Please inform staff member of any relevant information.

Children will be provided with a snack AM, lunch and snack PM – the lunch menus will be limited for time being and made available soon.

The children have been put in coloured groups for their designated days at the moment for the blended model, please note that once the ECC returns to 1140 this will not be the coloured group your child will be in along with their keyworker. This information will be made available once we have more information on the date we will be returning to 1140.

What your child needs.

Your child can bring their own bag to the ECC. We ask that provided in this bag is;

  • Change of clothes incl underwear, socks.
  • Wellies (if wearing wellies to ECC please provide a change of shoes)
  • Appropriate clothes/jacket for weather (we will be accessing outdoors)



We understand that a child may need a comforter to help in the transition this is ok.

Please keep checking the ECC GLOW blog for any additional information.

Graduation 🎓

Good Morning ❤️💜💛💚💙

To all the children that will be moving up into Primary 1 after the summer, all that staff here are super proud of you all!!!

We unfortunately never got the chance to finish this last part of your learning journey within the ECC so we have put together a special video for the children and their families that we hope you will enjoy.


We will miss you all as you take this next step but know that you will all do great ❤️

All the staff here at Hurlford ECC 💛💚💙❤️💜


Home Learning

Hello everyone…..

As the end of term is drawing close,  please ensure to keep checking on the ECC and PS Glow blogs for information.  We understand this may be an anxious time for many families and that you may have lots of questions. Please know that once we have all relevant information regarding the return in August we will be in touch.

Parent Club is a great resource to keep up to date on information and there is a dedicated FAQ page.

Going forward until end of month we have made up some activity ideas to keep the children learning at home.

Home Learning



Egg and Spoon race 🥚🥄

Good morning 💙💚💛❤️💜

For today’s sporting challenge it is the Egg & Spoon race.

You will need to set up a finish line and the aim is to get to the finish line as fast as you can without dropping the object on the spoon. Now this can be an egg (perhaps your grown up could hard boil it first 😁) or you could use a potato, a small ball..whatever you can find to put on the spoon.

Hope you all have fun with today’s challenge. Don’t forget to do your warm up that Michelle posted on Mondays blog.

Let me know how you get on.




Good morning ❤️💜💚💛💙

I know in these uncertain times that some of you may be feeling anxious if your child is due to start Primary 1 after the summer. Following on from the First Minister’s briefing last week you may be wondering what this means now?

There are a lot of questions that have yet to be answered and as soon as the School & ECC have these answers this will allow us to put together a plan to ensure that this transition is a positive experience for both children and families, despite the challenges of Covid-19.

We will also be looking at how best to support children transitioning from home or another establishment into the ECC, as well as returning children.

I would like to thank you all for your continued patience and understanding. Please remember that we are all in this together and going forward the team at Hurlford PS & ECC will endeavour to do our very best in supporting families through these challenging times.

As soon as a plan is set we will be in touch with families.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Maria 💗