All posts by Miss Paterson

Children’s Mental Health Week

Good afternoon everyone,

Just a little note to say that as we enter into another week of national lockdown, it is understandable that we may be feeling a little low. Having the children at home juggling work and home learning this can cause amounts of stress and anxiety. It is imperative now more than ever that we take care of not just our own mental health but that of our children, as these changes will be affecting them also.

This week we will be exploring different ways in which if we can just take 5-10 minutes out daily and do these activities with our children this will hopefully encourage more positive outcomes.

Please click on following link for more details.

Go to this Sway


Number Hunt 🔢

Good morning everyone,

Our home learning activity for today is a number hunt. For this activity you will need;

  • Written numbers 0-10 on separate bits of paper.
  • 10 objects – this can be Lego, pens, crayons, stones etc
  • Numbers again written on a piece of paper.

Now put the numbers 0-10 in different places in the house.

  1. With your 10 objects set aside an amount, have your child count how many is there and then go and find the number.
  2. Use the second set of written numbers and they have to find the matching one.
  3. For more difficult – make an addition for your child. Set aside two groups with the objects, can you child add the two together? Now go find the answer.

You could upload how well your child does on the ‘Achievements at home’ tab in their Learning Journals for children’s key worker.

Let us know how you get on.

Maria ❤️💚💙💛💜


Fun family sessions

East Ayrshire staff are offering families the opportunity to come and join us for a range of live online sessions.

These fun sessions have been designed to support your family throughout lockdown.

Information on these sessions can also be found on the app.

Join in and have fun 😁

Learning Journals

Good morning everyone,

Throughout today all the parents/carers that completed the online form with their email addresses will receive an email from Learning Journals. This email will contain a link for you to set up a password and login pin. Once you have completed this you will have access to your child’s profile only.  The children still have their learning folders within the ECC that the staff have completed up to date, so there will be no backdated information on Learning Journals. We have put up a few observations and stories for parents/carers to look at and going forward we are trialling this out as our platform for evidence of your child’s learning.

Once the children return to the ECC you can expect to get frequent updates on your child’s learning and development.

In the mean time there is a section ‘Achievements at Home’ on your child’s profile and this is for you to upload any pictures or stories of home learning you would like us to see.

If you are having any issues or would like any information then please send me an email.




Community Practitioner

As the home learning is set to continue until Mid-February we completely understand that staying at home as well as tackling home learning with your children can be extremely difficult. As always we here at Hurlford ECC are here to support as best we can during this time.

If you are needing any additional support or advice this may be something that our community practitioner Michelle Colquhoun can help with.

Here are contact details for Michelle along with some topics that Michelle can help with.

Please get in touch if you feel you may need too.

Home Learning – Monday 18th January 💚💜💙❤️💛

Good morning,

I hope we are all doing well at home and enjoying some of the activities.  Please remember and email your child’s key worker or myself for check ins or specific activities to develop your child’s learning. As the hub provision is on in the ECC, staff are at some point working in the ECC so may not get back to you that day.

For today’s task is to play some board games. Playing board games are one of the best ways to encourage learning whilst having fun. Games have many benefits like developing critical thinking skills, emotional and social  development with learning about turn taking; cooperating and winning or losing a game playing with peers.

If you have a printer at home this is a template of a counting game you could perhaps print or draw out on paper if not.


I also saw this week is Space Week on CBeebies. They will be exploring the planets, solar system, astronauts, rockets and robots at the National Space Centre. Learning about Space is always a topic the children love learning about in the ECC so may be worth allowing them to watch and record what information the children can tell you? Ask them some questions. The episodes are on at 4:50pm daily.

Monday – Rockets 🚀

Tuesday – Solar System 🌌

Wednesday – International Space Station 🛰

Thursday – Space Robots 🤖

Friday – Astronaut training 👩🏻‍🚀

These will also be available on IPlayer.

You can let us know how you get on?

Maria ❤️


Home Learning ❤️💜💛💚💙

Good morning,

It is to be quite a lovely fresh day today so if you are out for a walk I have a an activity here for you.
Investigating signs and recognising them are very early reading skills.

Speak about the signs that you can see, do you know the numbers? or is there any you already know? This can include shop signs for example co-op, post office etc.
If heading out please remember to do so safely 😁


If you are not heading out today here is one you can do in the house.

Remember to let your child’s keyworkers know how they are getting on with these activities. Take some pictures.

Maria ❤️

Home Learning

Good afternoon everyone,

I hope you all had a safe and healthy start to 2021. As we have yet again found ourselves in lockdown, I would like to assure all our children and families that we are here to support as best as we can until we can welcome all children back into the ECC.

Starting from Monday 11th January the staff will be posting some home learning ideas each day that will continue on your child’s learning and development.  Please follow this GLOW blog page daily to gain access to these posts.

During this time the staff will be reaching out to all children and families to check in and support. If you would like to email them in meantime email addresses are as follows;

Maria –

Amanda –

Tracey –

Louise –

Debbie –

Moyra –

Jill – 

Michelle – 

If you have any questions please feel free to ask and I will try answer as best I can.


Christmas Surprise

Hello everyone!!!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our families for your continuous understanding and support! Since we started the new session in August we have found ourselves working very differently, but as always the children are at the centre of our practice and we endeavour to make the best possible experiences for them.  Part of our journey this session that we have missed is being able to invite our families in to join in their child’s learning.

With that being said we have all been very busy this festive period making crafts and getting organised for our party! We have put together a special video for all the family!!

We hope you all have the very best Christmas and New Year and may if be filled with laughter, joy and some noisy toys!!!

Thank you again from all the staff here at Hurlford ECC..we hope you enjoy! (A special thank you to Louise for her video editing skills!)

Have a great festive holiday!

All the staff