All posts by Ms McLaughlin

Jigsaws 🧩

Hi Everyone

I hope all you guys are feeling good and have been outside as much as you can getting some fresh air πŸ˜€

Today I was thinking that you could try and make your own jigsaws with your grown up.
You will only need 2 things to do this –
1 scissors
2 a picture or photo

I have used a picture out a colouring in book but you could ask your grown up for a photo or maybe a page out a magazine.

I have cut my picture into 4 pieces to start with. See how you get on with that. If that’s too easy try cutting it into 6 bits, then 8 and keep going!
The more pieces you have the harder it is to put back together!

You could try doing it with different picture or you could try drawing a picture of your own and cutting it up.
I would love to see photos of the jigsaws that you make 🧩

Have a great day 😊
Jill 🟩


Hi Everyone πŸ”΄πŸŸ‘πŸŸ’πŸ”΅πŸŸ£
I’m sorry I’m so late with my little job for you to do today but I’ve been very busy doing something very exciting for you and your grown ups to look at soon πŸ™‚
Today I have went into my little boys room and all his cars were in such a mess πŸ™ so we sorted them all out into colours, do you have anything that you could do that with in your house? It could be something different like Lego, socks, beads or trains?
Once we sorted them we counted them all in colours.

Can you tell me how many cars are in red, blue, orange and green?
Do you know what group has the least amount of cars?
Can you tell your grown up which group has the most?
Fo you know what group of cars have the same amount of cars?
This little job helps you to finger count, use some mathematical language and practise some colours as well.
I hope you have fun doing this!
See you soon
Jill πŸ™‚