All posts by Mrs Campbell

Welcome Back!


We are looking forward to welcoming our new children into our ECC and seeing our Returners.

Please note that there is no change at this point regarding arrangements put in place for the ECC in June, 20.  Please refer to letter received in June, 20.

We hope that we will be able to return to 1140hrs at some point during the session, if possible.

Groups are as follows:

 BLUE GROUP  ( Kerr, Adison, Coral, Charley, Bella-Mae, Nathan, Taylor )

GREEN GROUP (Callan, Kyra Leigh, Eilidh, Alba, Olivia, Ethyn, Harrison, Freddie)

RED GROUP ( Carly, William, Ollie, John, Hannah, Emily, Daniel, Mustafa)

PURPLE GROUP ( Hollie, Finn, Josh, Jai, Jacob, Kelsey, Danny, Paisley, Ava )

YELLOW GROUP (Aaron, Gracie, Zoe, Paisley)

ECC Session times are as follows:

  • 8.45- 9 am     drop off times
  • 2.30-2.45pm  pick up times
  • Entry/Exit via ECC door

For the first week only:

  •  Wednesday 12th August –  BLUE GROUP / GREEN GROUP / YELLOW GROUP
  • Thursday 13th August – RED GROUP / PURPLE GROUP/ YELLOW GROUP
  •  Friday 14th August  – YELLOW GROUP

As part of our induction process, our new children to our ECC will stay in session until 11.15am for the first week only to allow them to settle in.

The Pattern, thereafter:


Wednesdays : YELLOW GROUP


We hope you find this information helpful.






Information for Parents/Carers who have pupils going into Primary 1

I hope you and your family are well. Thank you for your ongoing support and all your efforts in encouraging your child to do their work at home.

We know that you will be keen to have more information regarding the way ahead, we will endeavour to inform you as soon as possible, this is particularly of interest to our Parents/Carers whose children are coming into Primary 1 or our ECC.

I am sure that you are following the First Minister’s daily information sessions and updates on the East Ayrshire website, which will keep you abreast of any developments.

 Be assured, a member of staff will contact all P1 parents individually via the telephone prior to the end of term to discuss plans for August.  We will also create an  online P1 induction film for your information regarding P1.

From 1st June applications will be accepted for the Best Start Grant – School Age Payment, worth £250 to eligible families for children about to start school in Primary 1 to help with the costs of a child starting school. This money can be used for anything that families may need at this key stage in a child’s life.

You do not need to take up a place in school after the summer to get this payment but any parent who has deferred entry until August 2021 should also make the application NOW if their child’s birthday falls between 1 March 2015 and 29 February 2016.

When to apply for School Age Payment depends on when your child was born, not when they start school so any parent who defers their child’s entry to school to next year may miss out if they don’t apply now. Applications will open on 1 June 2020 until 28 February 2021 for children who were born between 1 March 2015 and 29 February 2016.

To apply, the parent/guardian needs to call a Freephone number 0800 182 2222 and leave their details. They will then receive a call back to make the application


September 2019

Hurlford Early Childhood Centre

September 2019

Welcome to everyone. We hope you are settling well into our ECC.  If you have questions please feel free to ask the staff.

Our staff this year includes:

Head Teacher: Mrs Gillian Campbell

Depute Head Teacher: Miss Joanne Mair

Senior Early Learning and Childcare Practitioner: Miss Maria Paterson

Early Learning and Childcare Practitioners –

  • Amanda Hopkins
  • Tracey Beattie
  • Jill McLaughlin
  • Moyra Paton
  • Louise McCloskey
  • Debbie Fitzgerald (9.15-1.15)
  • Ashley Mooney (afternoons only)
  • Michelle Quinn (11-3)


Snack Money

Every Monday, Miss Paterson will be present in the foyer to collect £3.Snack money is also used towards parties, photographs and outings.




Every day the children in the ECC will head for lunch at 11:30. For menu choices of lunch, please refer to the ‘School App for Parents’ or alternatively the menu is displayed in the ECC foyer.

Partnership with Parents

In our centre, we recognise the important role our parent/carers play in their child’s development. Please feel free to ask any staff any questions and we are always open to suggestions.

Parents/Carers ‘Coffee & Chat’ – Friday 27th September ’ in the Dining hall.


Please come along and enjoy our informal session with a selection of biscuits and cakes. Entry is via the dining hall door.

‘Out and About’

We will also be taking the children out and about in the local community. This could mean travelling on the bus.  Please return the ‘Out in the Community’ slips as soon as possible. Please ensure that all children’s clothes, jackets and indoor shoes have their names on them.


We ask that each child could bring in a pair of wellies that we can keep here within the ECC. This ensures each child has appropriate footwear when outdoors.  Please ensure your child’s name on their wellies.

Loose Parts Play – Promote Curiosity and Imaginations through Play:

  • Ribbons & feathers
  • Egg cartons and acorns
  • Shells
  • Wool & string
  • Basins
  • Pots & pans
  • Baking trays
  • Sand & stones
  • kitchen utensils – spoons, potato masher, sieves
  • Sticks and stones
  • Felt silk and tin foil
  • Dolly pegs and curtain rings
  • Bamboo and baskets

We ask that if you have any old, unused materials from this list. We would happily take it here in the ECC.


From time to time, we ask Parents/Carers to help our centre by handing in some items, which are of use in our playroom – this month we are collecting tissues and wipes. Please feel free to hand in these items if you wish.

Lending Library

At Hurlford ECC, we value the importance of reading stories to our children and the bonding opportunities that come along with these rich times. Please feel free to use this library and all we would ask is that you sign your book out and simply √ it when you bring it back in.

This session, one of our improvement priorities is to develop our use of digital literacy.  As we move forward with this improvement, both the school and the ECC will be going paperless. Please note that information can be found on our GLOW website regarding news, dates for your diary and information on what the children have been learning about.

GLOW link –


Introducing our Staff team

Introducing our Staff within our ECC

Senior Management Team:

  • Mrs Gillian Campbell, HT
  • Miss Joanne Mair, DHT
  • Miss Aimee Frew, Acting PT
  •  Maria Paterson,Senior Early Learning & Childcare Practitioner

Early Learning & Childcare Practitioners:

  1. Amanda Hopkins, ELCP
  2. Tracey Beattie, ELCP
  3. Louise McCloskey, ELCP
  4. Jill McLaughlin, ELCP (Mon-Wed)
  5. Moyra Paton, ELCP (Wed-Fri)
  6. Ashley Mooney, ELCP (17.5)
  7. Debbie Fitzgerald, ELCP (20 hrs)
  8. Hayley Ferguson, ELCP ( 20 hrs)

Office Staff (main office)

  • Mrs Carol Ann Petherick, Senior Clerical
  • Mrs Moira Ross , Clerical

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!

ECC children return on Monday 19th   August.

ECC doors open between 8.45-9am. The door closes on the 9am bell. Access after 9am via the main door.

ECC doors open at 2.45pm. Please pick up children promptly.


  • Indoor shoes
  • Change of clothes
  • Waterproof jacket
  • Please label clothing
  • £3 snack money on a Monday


  • Sign in and out
  • Encourage independence with putting on jacket/shoes, finding own name,etc
  • Pass on any relevant information to staff
  • Read our Information and Communication board every day
  • Communication with Parents/Carers via Hurlford Primary School app and GLOW website


Any questions, please feel free to ask staff






Welcome back!

I hope you had a good holiday.

From Monday 7th January, we look forward to moving towards our full day sessions, in line with 1140hrs expansion. Our sessions will run from 8.45am to 2.45pm. During our full sessions, children will receive lunch and a snack in the morning and afternoon. We will also offer a morning session, from 8.45am to 11.55am ( or 12.15pm if you wish your child to have lunch. 

Snack money for full sessions will increase to £3 per week, for morning sessions, it will continue to be £2 per week.