All posts by Mrs Campbell

How to register for a place in an Early Years place

Registration for academic year 2022/23 for all early childhood centres, funded ELC providers and approved childminders on the Council Contract Framework in East Ayrshire will take place online from Monday 28 February 2022 until Sunday 13 March 2022.

Please click on the following link to access the Early Years Registration form:

P1 Registration – 2020/21 from Monday 11th Jan – Friday 15th Jan

P1 Registration to attend school, for children whose 5th birthday falls between 1 March 2021 and 28 February 2022 takes place during the week Monday 11 January 2021 until Friday 15 January 2021. 

To register please complete the P1 Registration form at no later than Friday 15 January 2021.

If you are unable to register online then please phone the main office on 01563 525098 who will assist you to register your child.

To register your child you will require to upload a copy of your child’s birth certificate and two proofs of your residence in the catchment area ( remember you can photograph documents and upload )in the form of a Council Tax Notice or Utility Bill. 

Should you require a copy of your child’s birth certificate for Registration, this can be obtained at



Please remember that if your child has new symptoms of coronavirus (persistent cough, high temperature and/or loss of sense of taste or smell), they must not attend school for 10 days after the onset of symptoms.

However, if they are tested and receive a negative result they can normally return to school immediately unless a high temperature is present, in which case they should still stay away from school for 48 hours after their temperature has normalised without the use of medication used to suppress fever.

Please also note that pupils will be required to isolate for 14 days if another member of their household has symptoms, unless they themselves are tested negative for coronavirus).

I understand the pressures parents are under to send their children to school and I am aware of the pressures placed upon parents when children are unable to attend school. However it is critically important at this time that we adopt a cautious approach to managing the risks from coronavirus, and make our school as safe as we possibly can for our staff and our young people.

Your support in being vigilant to any new symptoms of coronavirus and acting in line with current Government guidance helps create that safe environment we are all working hard to maintain and for that I am grateful to you all.

Many thanks for your support with this matter.