Welcome Back

On Monday 21st August our doors for the ECC open at 8:45am.

Please bring your child in and there will be pegs with their names on them, hang up their belongings and bring them into the playroom.

PLEASE NOTE – If this is your child’s first day with us the pick up time is 11am, whether they have been in another establishment or not. A new ECC can be overwhelming for your child and we want to give children the chance to settle in to their new environment, and begin to know new routines.

We will then discuss further times for the rest of the week depending on your child.

Please remember to pass on any relevant information to staff.

Can’t wait to see you all on Monday!!

Image result for celebration clip art

Here is a link to our induction Sway for reminders on all key points in ECC.

Go to this Sway

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