Trip to Dick Institute

Good morning,

From Monday we will be taking children to visit the Dick Institute, we will be travelling by bus at approx 9:45am, we will be having our lunch at the library and will return to ECC for 1-1:30pm.

Image result for dick institute kilmarnock

We sent home permission/emergency contact forms this week for the trip, if you have yet to return can you please complete and return ASAP.  If we do not have a form your child will not be able to participate. If you have any queries please contact school on 01563 525098 or email me on

We will be taking the children in their keyworker groups.

Monday Purple
Tuesday Blue & Yellow
Wednesday Red
Thursday Green

This is a great opportunity for children to learn about their community, to enjoy some books and explore the museum. We are really looking forward to sharing this experience.