Family Connect

Image result for Family Learning Clip Art. Size: 159 x 165. Source:

Family connect is a great opportunity to work with our community practitioners to engage and gain a better understanding of your child’s learning journey.  This will take place within the school, we will be working closely with our families on themes such as social well-being and numeracy.

We are very pleased to be able to provide this opportunity within Hurlford ECC.

Family Connect will take place from Wednesday 22nd February 2023 from 12:45pm-2:45pm, and run for 6 week block. This will consist of 1 hour with practitioners and then 1 hour working with your child. There will be different themes each week with a kit will being sent to your home before the sessions start, you will be expected to bring this along with you to the sessions.

Family Connect is for pre-school children ONLY as part of our transition process before starting Primary 1 in August 2023. We have very limited spaces so please only provide your name if you are able to commit to the 6 week block.

Please complete form.

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Any questions send me an email.

P1 School Registration

Image result for School Clip Art. Size: 211 x 165. Source:

⭐️School Registration⭐️

Primary 1 School Registration begins today online (please see the link below ⬇️) for those children eligible to start in August 2023.

Children who are five years of age between 1 March 2023 and 29 February 2024, and whose parents wish them to attend school, should be registered for education during the week commencing Monday 9 January 2023 until Friday 13 January 2023.

You will require to have a Customer Account to complete your online School enrolment/Primary 1 registration form.

To complete the online registration you will require to upload:

A copy of your child’s birth certificate
two proofs of your residency within the catchment area, for example, Council Tax Notice and utility bill.

Should you require a copy of your child’s birth certificate for registration, this can be obtained at Certificates.Scot.

You must register your child in only one school, either the denominational or non-denominational school for your catchment area. If you are unsure please contact school for catchment areas.

If you are unable to register online then please phone your local school who will assist you to register your child.

If you have discussed a deferral year for your child with the ECC there is an option on the form for this.