Christmas Events in ECC

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Hello everyone,

I am delighted to share our plans at Christmas within the ECC.

  1. We have our Christmas craft workshops.  You will be invited along to make various different activities with your child including some hot chocolate and biscuits.
  2. The Christmas fayre – this will be a full school event.
  3. The ECC Christmas show – rehearsals are underway.
  4. The Christmas Party – come all glammed up for a day of dancing and games.

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The dates for our Christmas plans are as follows.

  • Tuesday 6th December 1:45-2:40pm – Christmas craft afternoon for groups RED, YELLOW & GREEN.
  • Wednesday 7th December 1:45-2:40pm – Christmas craft afternoon for groups PURPLE & BLUE.
  • Monday 19th December in the evening – Full school Christmas Fayre.
  • Tuesday 20th December 10am – ECC Christmas Show.
  • Wednesday 21st FULL day – Christmas Party.

If you are unsure which group your child is in just ask a member of staff.

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A wee reminder that parent appointments are this week, and the flu immunisation is on Thursday. I have no further details regarding times for flu immunisation as it is a team that is coming into the school to provide service. I would imagine it will be in the morning from 9am but once I have further information, I will of course let you all know. 
