Dates for your Diary

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Good morning,

Here are the dates for our December events.

  • Tuesday 6th December 1:45-2:40pm – Christmas craft afternoon for groups RED, YELLOW & GREEN. ONLY 1 ADULT CAN ATTEND – Please enter at ECC playground.
  • Wednesday 7th December 1:45-2:40pm – Christmas craft afternoon for groups PURPLE & BLUE. ONLY 1 ADULT CAN ATTEND – Please enter at ECC playground.
  • Monday 19th December in the evening – Full school Christmas Fayre.
  • Tuesday 20th December 10am – ECC Christmas Show – ONLY 2 ADULTS PER CHILD CAN ATTEND
  • Wednesday 21st FULL day – Christmas Party.

We have restrictions on the number of adults that can attend each event, and this is due to spaces available. Please keep to 1 adult per child for Christmas workshop and 2 adults per child for the Christmas Show. 

We will also be hosting a Christmas Jumper day, but I will keep you updated on date for this at moment this may be 8th or 9th December 2022.

We are looking forward to a very magical, glittery and exciting time of year.

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St Andrews Day – Wednesday 30th Nov

November 30 St Andrews Day

On Wednesday we will be celebrating St Andrews Day. The children are welcome to wear a touch of tartan if they wish.

We may try a few of our Scottish favourites such as haggis, neeps and tatties and a wee bit of shortbread.  We will also explore Scottish tartan – have you got your own tartan? Perhaps you could show your child the colours before next Wednesday.

Any questions please speak with a member of staff. Image result for st andrews day


Solihull Approach Courses

The Solihull Approach has been used for guidance in early years for quite some time. They also offer lots of support for parent/carers. We have been given free access to courses available on the site and I recommend taking full advantage of this.

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I have attached a link below that will take you to the site where you can complete courses in areas you may be unsure about with your child. For example, understanding your child, understanding their feelings and more.

If this is something you would be interested in, all it will take up is some of your time. Please click on link and apply the access code TARTAN. This will lead you to make an account.

Solihull Approach | inourplace | Understanding your child

You can let me know how you get on.

Children in Need Friday 18th Nov


We will be hosting a pyjama day this year for Children in Need!! Please come along to ECC on Friday in your PJ’s and why not bring along your favourite teddy.

We will have activities such as face painting and making biscuits. If you would NOT like your child to have their face painted, then please let a member of staff know.

If you would like to donate £1 you can do so, and this will be taken to the main office.


Christmas Events in ECC

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Hello everyone,

I am delighted to share our plans at Christmas within the ECC.

  1. We have our Christmas craft workshops.  You will be invited along to make various different activities with your child including some hot chocolate and biscuits.
  2. The Christmas fayre – this will be a full school event.
  3. The ECC Christmas show – rehearsals are underway.
  4. The Christmas Party – come all glammed up for a day of dancing and games.

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The dates for our Christmas plans are as follows.

  • Tuesday 6th December 1:45-2:40pm – Christmas craft afternoon for groups RED, YELLOW & GREEN.
  • Wednesday 7th December 1:45-2:40pm – Christmas craft afternoon for groups PURPLE & BLUE.
  • Monday 19th December in the evening – Full school Christmas Fayre.
  • Tuesday 20th December 10am – ECC Christmas Show.
  • Wednesday 21st FULL day – Christmas Party.

If you are unsure which group your child is in just ask a member of staff.

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A wee reminder that parent appointments are this week, and the flu immunisation is on Thursday. I have no further details regarding times for flu immunisation as it is a team that is coming into the school to provide service. I would imagine it will be in the morning from 9am but once I have further information, I will of course let you all know. 
