Hello everyone….
A reminder that we are hosting our very own Jubilee/Graduation Party on Wednesday 1st June.

Your children can come dressed in their best attire. We will be dancing, playing some games. We will also be having our very own afternoon tea party.
We are very much looking forward to a great day!

Queens Jubilee and Graduation Party 

We are hoping to get organised for our upcoming ball… we would be very appreciative to receive any donations of Jubilee decorations.
Closer to the date we will be accepting any donations of cakes, cupcakes, or any baking for our afternoon tea 

We cannot wait to see all the children all dressed up and we will have some surprises in store for the day also 
Hello everyone,
Today there is a very special invitation in your child’s bag today!!
We are very excited to inform you that on Wednesday 1st June we will be holding a celebration to honour the Queens Jubilee……we will also be hosting our Graduation for our preschoolers moving up to P1 after the summer.

Please feel free to dress your child in their best attire to attend our Jubilee party. The children can also wear accessories, should they wish too….but NO MASKS please.

Hello everyone,
We will soon be welcoming new children and families in joining us for our 2022-23 session in the ECC.
I will be arranging inductions for children starting with us from August onwards in the week beginning 19th June 2022. I will be in touch individually to all parents/carers to arrange which day and time that you and your child will come in to visit the ECC.
Please note that the ECC must still adhere to some restrictions therefore, this may be done slightly different than previously.
if in the meantime you have any queries please contact me on maria.paterson@eastayrshire.org.uk

East Ayrshire Council site