Good afternoon everyone,
Welcome back after the Easter holidays, we hope you all managed to have a much deserved break. As we enter the last term before the Summer, I have some important upcoming ‘Dates for your Diary’.
- From week beginning 25th April the children that are moving up after the summer will be making regular visits to the P1 class.
- Monday 2nd May – Bank Holiday
- Wednesday 4th May – Child’s reports will be sent home
- Thursday 5th May – In-service day due to election.
- Weeks beginning 9th & 16th May – Parent appointments. You will be given a set day and time for your telephone appointment with your child’s keyworker.
Can I also remind our families that we will be having a summer trip with the children to kidzplay in Prestwick and that the payment of £10 towards helping with this cost is due by mid-May.
As we are approaching warmer weather could you also make sure that you use appropriate SPF on your child and have one spare for their ECC bag that we can top up – please ensure their name is on the bottle.
If you have any queries please speak with a member of staff.