
Good morning,

We are well underway now with Term 3. Towards end of this month will see new individual targets set by keyworkers for the children which you will be able to see on their Learning Journals.

We have began getting the children out and about in the community, we have been discussing road safety and litter picking this week. Could I remind all parents/carers to have a spare set of clothes in their child’s bag including pants and socks. We do have outdoor suits for the children but depending on how wet or mucky it may be we may need to change them at some point. If your child hasn’t got wellies at ECC that we can keep here could you provide us with a pair please.

We will begin our Numeracy Home links from next week. Each week your child will be allocated with a numeracy homework task and we would encourage finding some time to sit with your child and complete this.  This can also be found on their Learning Journals,  could you please upload how they get on.

Our mud kitchen is looking a bit glum these days… we are on the hunt for some utensils. If you have any old pots, pans, metal utensils, wooden spoons laying about that you were thinking of clearing?? We would happily take them.

Primary 1 Registrations

I cannot quite believe  it is time for registering for Primary 1…I know a lot of people will be having this thought this week. From now until June we will be working hard with the children in preparing them for this next step in their learning journey. We will be putting together a plan for transitional activities starting after the Easter break.

It wouldn’t be an information bulletin without the mention of Covid. As some of you may be aware there are many outbreaks within Primary Schools and ECC’s across East Ayrshire at the moment, this is causing staff shortages and/or home learning for children. We ask that you stay extra vigilant. If your child seems unwell displaying any of the original symptoms, any cold like symptoms including sore head, ears, runny nose etc or an upset stomach. Please do not send them into the ECC.  We understand that this may be frustrating especially this time of year but it has been advised by Scottish Government that a negative PCR result (not lateral flow) is needed before a return to the ECC. This ensures continuous safety for all children and staff.  Thank you all for your patience and understanding.
