Welcome Back!!

Good afternoon everyone! We are pleased to welcome you all back after our October week.

Some upcoming events –

  1. Friday 22nd October – Wear RED day. Give Racism the RED card.
  2. Home links – we will soon be starting some home links that children will be able to do at home – your child’s progress can be added onto their learning journals in the ‘Achievements from home’ tab.
  3.  Progress meetings in November – your child’s keyworker will be giving you a call on a set date/time to discuss how your child is settling in the ECC and if you have any concerns etc. As the keyworker will need to be off the floor to make these calls we ask that you please keep to your time as best as you can.  If it is not possible we will try our best to accommodate.

Friday 29th October we will be hosting a Halloween party within the ECC.  The children can come dressed up if they wish too (nothing too scary please!)

We will be accepting donations to help towards our party. We would be looking for –

  • Decorations
  • Pumpkins
  • Cupcakes or small brownies
  • treats for the children – for example, crisps(pom bears or cheese curls etc), chocolate buttons etc. This would be for party snack so would be shared out not one each.

We would be very grateful for any donations at all.

Any queries please ask a member of staff or give me an email.


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