ECC Information

The October holidays are almost upon us so please note that the ECC will be on holiday from close on Friday 8th October and children return Tuesday 19th October.

Monday 18th October is an in-service day.

The ECC will also be taking part in WEAR RED DAY on 22nd October to support and Show Racism the RED card! So if you wish your child may wear red but they do not have too if they do not wish too.


I am pleased to inform you that the ECC will be hosting a Halloween party on Friday 29th October – the children can come dressed up if they wish too.  Can I ask that there are not any props that come along with costumes that may get broken or damaged, and that parents are respectful in costume choices and nothing too scary. 

We are looking forward to a spooktacular event!!

I will post more information after the holidays.