Settling in at the ECC

Good morning,

All the children have done amazing at settling back into the ECC, and if they have just started are doing great getting used to this new environment and meeting new friends and staff.

I know this can be a concerning time for Parents/carers especially if their child seems to be struggling and not as keen to come.

For our returners this is to be expected, they have just spent a summer at home with their families and as much as they love the ECC once they are in, it can still be a struggle for them getting back into a routine. This session as well there has been a few changes as we are no longer in bubbles the children will be getting used to using both rooms and getting to know new children and staff. Keep in there though as this will ease up as the weeks past.

Our new starts may be the same but again please don’t feel disheartened as it is all new and they will in time adjust to the ECC environment.

If you feel your child is struggling (as well as you) then please speak with a member of staff for some reassurance.
