Getting ready for school!

We are on the last term of this session which means that our pre-schoolers will be moving up to Primary 1 after the summer.

Transitions may be slightly different this year but we will let everyone know what these will be once confirmed.

In the ECC we will begin looking to promote more independent skills with the children moving up. This is something that we also encourage Parents/Carers to  do at home.

Please click on link for a ready for school checklist

Ready for school

Handy tips:

  •  Labels with child’s name on all their belongings.
  •  Shoes that are easy to put on and fasten – same for gym shoes.
  •  Make sure your child can easily identify their belongings for example; coat, bag, pencil case and lunch bag.
  •  Practice zipping up coat with your child.
  •  Practice organising belongings – if taking off coat, jumper etc to put where it is meant to go and not left laying on floor.
  •  Eating using a knife and fork – if packed lunches easy to open items.

This is a very exciting time for all the children and we want to prepare them as best as we can especially given the circumstances we have all faced this session.

If you need any other information please just ask a member of staff.


Donations for ECC.

Hello everyone,

With the restrictions this year we have been unable to raise any funds for the ECC by hosting fundraising events.

As the weather is brightening up and getting warmer we are hoping to buy some resources for the ECC garden so are kindly asking our families if they would make a donation? This can be any amount that you are able to spare.

I will start collecting tomorrow Tuesday 17th April – there will be a box just at the entrance with a sheet of paper if you could sign name and amount.

This would be greatly appreciated.

All the staff and children in ECC.