Tuesday 19th January – Home Learning

Good Morning Everyone 🙂

I hope you are all well and enjoying taking part in all of our learning activities from home 👍🏻

One of our favourite things to do in the ECC is to sing songs and learn new nursery rhymes! So today, I thought we could have a little practice at our nursery rhymes.

Hey Diddle Diddle is one of my favourites – and I have been practicing lots.. check out the video below! Can you have a listen and try to learn this one too?

Below is the words of Hey Diddle Diddle so that your adults can help too. When you have finished, maybe you could tell me your favourite nursery rhyme too. Do you remember all the words? Can you sing it?

I would love to hear how you get on, you can send any pictures, videos or comments to –


Take care everyone, Michelle 😊