Home Learning

Good afternoon everyone,

I hope you all had a safe and healthy start to 2021. As we have yet again found ourselves in lockdown, I would like to assure all our children and families that we are here to support as best as we can until we can welcome all children back into the ECC.

Starting from Monday 11th January the staff will be posting some home learning ideas each day that will continue on your child’s learning and development.  Please follow this GLOW blog page daily to gain access to these posts.

During this time the staff will be reaching out to all children and families to check in and support. If you would like to email them in meantime email addresses are as follows;

Maria – maria.paterson@eastayrshire.org.uk

Amanda – amanda.hopkins@eastayrshire.org.uk

Tracey – tracey.beattie@eastayrshire.org.uk

Louise – louise.mccloskey@eastayrshire.org.uk

Debbie – deborah.fitzgerald@eastayrshire.org.uk

Moyra – moyra.paton@eastayrshire.org.uk

Jill – jillian.faulds@eastayrshire.org.uk 

Michelle – michelle.quinn@eastayrshire.org.uk 

If you have any questions please feel free to ask and I will try answer as best I can.
