Red & Blue Groups


Due to the current restrictions we are unfortunately unable to welcome parents into the ECC to follow what your child has been up to. We have been having fun learning about various things that have taken the children’s interest. Here is a little look at how busy your children have been over the past couple of weeks.

Keeping active at Gym and Outdoor play

After finding some creatures in our garden, the children questioned what else we might find if we went on a bug hunt and had an interest in other minibeasts.

We read The Very Hungry Caterpillar which inspired some artwork and snack


We learned that Bee’s have 5 eyes which Callan remembered when making his own and how they make honey…… which we even got to taste


Josh has told the RED & BLUE groups about finding chestnuts that fell off a tree at his grandmas house, we then looked at some conkers which led to an interesting discussion about Autumn. We will be taking this learning forward.

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