Friday 27th March 2020

Good morning to everyone 😊

Well we have come to the end of the first week and would like to say well done! We have loved all the feedback and pictures of the children.

We understand that these are very uncertain times and that everyone has been adjusting this week. We would like to thank all our families for engaging in our home learning and do realise that these tasks can be difficult in a busy home, and to remind you all that you are doing a fantastic job!

Going forward from Monday each day a different member of staff will put up a daily task for the whole of the ECC to partake in, these will cover Literacy, Numeracy, Health & Wellbeing etc.  Some days there will also be additional tasks to cover our SHANARRI indicators like our Active Andy.

If you would like individual tasks set for your child to aid in developing their individual targets then please contact their keyworker.

Red group –

Blue group –

Purple group –

Yellow group –

Green group – /

Friday’s Daily Task 

For today I have attached a link to A Nurse Dotty Book – this book tells the story of Dave the Dog that is worried about the Coronavirus.  Your little ones might not quite understand that they cannot go out to the park to play or to see their friends and family so hopefully this might help.

If you have any questions please to do hesitate to contact me.

All the staff at Hurlford ECC. 💕