Category Archives: Uncategorized

Scottish Music

Since August we have all been missing the opportunity to sing and make music in school. As part of our whole school topic about Scotland Mr Hay is posting a Scottish song on the school blog every morning this week. Why don’t you have a go at learning one of the songs and record it if you can.

Week 3 Remote Learning

I hope everyone has had a good weekend. How many of you were playing in the snow? It has been so cold!

Today is the day we celebrate Robert Burns – are you having haggis, neeps and tatties for dinner?
Or did anyone have a Scottish breakfast over the weekend?

Please see below for this week’s activities. Thank you to everyone who has sent me in photographs and videos. It is just lovely to see you all.

25.1 – plan (1)






Gargieston PE Home Learning (1)

It’s Friday!

Good morning everyone!

Everyone has been sending me fabulous photographs and I am hoping to add some of them to the class blog over the next few weeks so that the children can see each other. If you do not want your child included in this please email me before next Monday.

A few parents have been in touch to ask if they can email me on a Monday with the previous week’s work as sometimes they are doing some of the activities at the weekend. That is perfectly okay as I generally have more time on a Monday to reply to emails.

I hope you all have a good weekend!

Happy Thursday!

I can’t believe it is Thursday already. Hopefully the coming weeks fly in as fast and then it won’t be long till I see you all again.

I know you are all missing each other. Why don’t you post a message to the class in the comments box.

Have a good day!

Good morning! 😀

Good morning boys and girls! How are we all today?

How are you getting on learning the poem ‘Crocodile’? Hope you are not finding the words too tricky! Last week a couple of children sent me a video of them practising the first verse. Please feel free to do the same.

A few parents have emailed me to say there is a problem with the Heinemann Maths Activities on Bug Club. Do not worry about trying to access them as Adobe has recently disabled Flash. We will look into alternative Maths games for you to do at home until Heinemann comes up with a solution.

I hope some of you have managed to go onto Sumdog this week.

I am in school tomorrow and Friday but will catch up with your emails as soon as I can.

Happy Tuesday everyone!

I hope you are enjoying the activities we have set for you this week. It has been brought to my attention that the Read and Draw activity does not open properly. I have attached a PDF version below. Fingers crossed this works.

I have also allocated some phonics games onto your bug club accounts that you might like to play.

I am missing all of you so if you want to say hello in the comments section please do.

Read and Draw (4)


Last week I recorded a lesson all about the sound ‘z’ to share with you all. Unfortunately since the end of last week we have been experiencing technical difficulties when trying to upload live videos that have been recorded in school. Hopefully we will get this resolved soon.