Wednesday 27th May 2020

Good morning everyone.
I hope that you all had a lovely long weekend break. What sort of things did you get up to? I did some baking and watched some movies when the weather was horrible. Glad the sun is shining again!

I have set a few assignments for you today:


The Mystery of the Pirate Captain – solve the clues to find out who the new captain is. Good luck!

The Mystery of the Pirate Captain


Spelling – ‘ow’ Phoneme
Write your spelling words four different ways from these choices: normal, rainbow, cursive, capital letters, red vowels and blue consonants, alphabetical order, dot-to-dot letters, scrabble tiles, cut a stick from a newspaper or magazine, paint, chalk, pyramid writing or magnetic letters.

Spelling – ‘ow’ Phoneme 27.5.20

Creativity Grid

On this grid there are lots of different activities for you to choose from. You can create a minecraft school, build a spaghetti bridge, create a blanket fort and drawing a superhero are just to name a few. Try to choose a few things to do from the grid.


Hope you all have a great day!

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