Friday 22nd May 2020

Good morning primary 5B! Can’t believe we’ve completed another week of lockdown and it’s Friday again!

Monday and Tuesday are holidays next week, so there will be no online learning those two days. Wonder what you’ll all get up to? I’ve got lots of paper work to do for Mrs McKee!

I have not set any new assignments for today so use this time to catch up on any you are still working on. Make sure to get some exercise whether that be from Joe Wickes, out on your bike, on your trampoline or a having a nice family walk.
You can always log onto Bugclub or Sumdog if you’re looking for some activities to do.

I will be available to chat to you all on the Playground Chat channel on TeamsĀ  today, from 9am -10am and 2pm-3pm. We got some news yesterday that schools will not be opening until August and I thought you might have some questions about what this means for you. Please feel free to ask me your questions or tell me how you’re feeling about it all, I’m there for you all!

Have a great day!

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