Monday 4th May 2020

Good morning everyone!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend? We went for long walks in the woods and threw stones in the river, it was fun. We also read books and ate yummy snacks!

We have a short week this week as Friday is VE day where we will celebrate the end of the war with a little days holiday.

Today make sure you get your exercise and spend time outside in the lovely sun!

I have set a few assignments for today, work at them when you can and remember the closing date is not until Sunday. We have a new gallery instead of Superstars where I will choose a few photographs to be posted onto the school blog. So remember to show me your home learning pictures!


You can learn about Goods and Services in the world of Money and Finance through a Powerpoint I’ve uploaded. There is also a HAM sheet to go along with it.


Goods and Services


Spelling – Common words

Spelling – Common Words 4.5.20

I have allocated new books on your Bug Club, try to do some reading today.


This term our topic in school was going to be all about the Scottish Parliament. Luckily, this is something that we can still be researching at home. Use the worksheet attached to do some research, you can type straight on to the document or write down your answers on paper if you prefer. Good luck!

Scottish Parliament Fact Hunt

Have a great day!

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