Tag Archives: #teamfenwick

Friday Feedback #teamfenwick

We won!

Well Primary 3/4 what a way to end our school year, winning the East Ayrshire Sumdog Contest ! Out of 100 classes that entered we were 1st place !

I am so proud of you all. I wish we were together in school to celebrate. I really do believe  we are the best class in Fenwick Primary School 😉

Well done to Ellis who  was a top 10 scorer in the contest.

I will email all  certificates to your glow email to print at home.

I have loved reading your blogs, looking at your photographs, seeing what you have been doing online and hearing how you have all been getting on at home. You are all Gold Award Dojo Winners !

I will be thinking about you all over the holidays and I cant wait to come and visit you all in your new classes in August!  

Take care of yourselves, remember to be kind and have lots  fun with your family and friends.

with love from

Mrs Ross



Learning Grids 11.5.20

Good Morning Primary  3/4,

I hope you all enjoyed your VE Day work and celebrations last week.  I will share some of my photos on  my Wednesday check in.

This weeks Learning Grid can be found here. 

Expressive Arts Grid can be found here


I hope you enjoy some of the activities on here. If you complete any and would like to share a photo or tell me about what you did then you can email me, update your e-portfolio or comment on this blog. I will share a selection of work on Feedback Friday.

Literacy Tasks

 Spelling 11.5.20

Choose your reading challenge:

Mild Reading Challenge – Birds

Hot Reading Challenge – Birds

Spicy Reading Challenge – Birds

Extra Spicy Reading Challenge – Alexander Fleming

French Greetings song listen here

Numeracy Tasks

Numeracy Day Information

Number Talk Addition Strategies

Primary 4 Fraction WorkI would like you to complete : Week 1 (all lessons) Unit and non-unit fractions. Find this work here. 

Primary 3 Fraction Work : I would like you to complete :Week 1 ( all lessons) Unit and non-unit fractions. Find this work here. 

Other Activities

Expressive Arts grid here : here

bottle top game Activity 

Enjoy your week.

Mrs Ross


Learning Grid Week Beginning 4.5.20

The theme for our learning this week is:

 VE Day 75th Anniversary

This week Learning Grid can be found    HereAn additional Expressive Arts Grid can be found on the school Resources blog – here

Here is a PPT for you to watch about VE day : VE Day Powerpoint

Watch this Newsround Clip about VE Day :  Newsround

Numeracy/Maths activities

Morse Code Activities: Morse Code Activity

Money Activity – Rationing –Shopping Activity VE Day

Literacy Activities

( answers are attached so please don’t peek until you are ready to self assess your work 🙂  )

VE Reading Comp Mild Challenge

VE Reading Comp Hot Challenge

VE Reading Comp Spicy Challenge

VE Day Spicy spicy! Comprehension Challenge


Spelling 4.5.20

HWB Activities

Mindfulness Cards : mindfulness-challenge-cards

VE Day Art Activities



Design a VE Day Medal 








Wednesday Check In 29.4.20

Hi Primary 3/4 ,

I hope you are all well and keeping busy. It feels like so long ago that we were all together in school.


I have been helping my children with their school work and last week I was working in Galston Primary School for the day with some of the boys and girls around East Ayrshire including some children from Fenwick Primary.


We have been having lots of fun challenges in our garden  while the sun was shining ☀ 

Euan has been painting his bedroom this week and I put up his new blind and I had to learn a new skill to do this … drilling ! We are very pleased with our hard work though. I will let you see next week the finished results!

I have also been learning some new hairdressing skills and I have given Euan, Fraser and Mr Ross a haircut ( Murray has not been brave enough yet). No photographs to show you though!

Each week I still have meetings with the teachers and we have planned some exciting activities for you all over the coming weeks ! Watch this space ! ( and Twitter)

Keep safe and well boys and girls. I can’t wait to see you all again because I am missing you! Remember you can post your updates on your e-portfolio or on our class blog in the comments.


Mrs Ross 🙂


Learning Grids 27.4.20

Good  morning Primary 3/4,

I hope you have all enjoyed your weekend.

Here is your learning grid for this week. Please choose which activities you would like to complete.

P3 p4 Weekly Grid- 27.4.20

**If you have trouble opening any of the links on the grid, all worksheets are attached at the bottom of this page .**

Daily Live Events

Lots of you are uploading your work and photos to your own e-portfolios for me to see and some of you  are emailing me photos and completed work 🙂 . Please let me know if you need any help or if you have any questions. You can also add a comment to this blog.

I hope you all enjoy some time outside in all this lovely sunshine.

Keep working hard and taking care of each other,

Mrs Ross


  • There are a selection of activities which can be completed as and when suits you. Have a chat with adults at home to make your own plan. Please note, you do NOT have to complete all these tasks.
  • If you wish for activities to be checked by your class teacher, please upload these to your EPortfolio by 10am on a Friday. This may be done by creating posts on your EPortfolio or uploading photographs of your work.
  • Class teachers will check all EPortfolios on a Friday and may comment on your work.
  • A new grid will be uploaded every Monday for each class therefore it is important you check the class blog regularly. You will also continue to have access to Giglets and Education City

Primary 4/ P3 Challenge  Maths Worksheets and Activities:

Addition and Subtraction Word Problems

Subtraction Calculations

Challenge Word Problems

Addition Calculations

Time :

Time Revision

Hot Time Challenge

Spicy Time Challenge

Timetable word problems

Primary3 Numeracy Activities:

Subtraction Calculations

Addition Calculations

Addition and Subtraction Word Problems

Time :

Time Revision

Hot Time Challenge

Spicy Time Challenge

Literacy Word lists :

Stage 4 :


Stage 3:

Silver Group

Wednesday Check In 22nd April

Hi Primary 3/4 ,

I hope you are all well and  had some time to relax and enjoy the spring sunshine in the holidays.

I enjoyed time with my family.  We  had fun decorating eggs, eating lots of chocolate, gardening, having barbecues, zoom parties with our friends, bike rides and dog walks with Olive.

Did you see the Supermoon on the 7th April? It was huge and very bright in the sky. Eilidh and I went for a walk late in the evening to see it  and took some spooky photos.

I am enjoying looking at your blogs and reading about what you have been doing .  I have been checking Sumdog, Education City and Giglets to see what work you have been trying and some of you have managed to upload your work to your blog or you have emailed it to me or commented on our blog to let me see – well done. It is all very different though and  I am missing seeing you all and being together in school.

The staff  have been keeping in touch through WhatsApp and Zoom calls, we are getting better at Zooming together!  I have been looking for different activities that you will enjoy working on at home and that will challenge you and also consolidate all the things we have been learning in school.

Euan, Fraser, Eilidh and Murray have been working hard to complete all their High School work and we have been following our P3/4 class timetable : Mindful Mondays, Tricky Word Tuesdays, Work It Out Wednesdays, Thankful Thursdays and Fit for Fridays!They think it’s good fun!

 Please let me know if you need help with anything.

Take care and be kind 🙂

from Mrs Ross 🙂


Happy Easter from Mrs Ross

I hope you all have a lovely holiday, spending time relaxing with your family. A different holiday from what everyone had  planned but I am sure you will find lots of fun things to do. We are planning to watch films together and drink hot chocolate this weekend!

The staff have made a funny  video for all our amazing pupils at Fenwick Primary School & ECC, to wish you all a  HAPPY EASTER xx


The next Home Learning Grid will be posted on Monday 20th April.