Tag Archives: home learning

Learning Grid 1.6.20

Good morning boys and girls, today is the first day of June and normally it would be a busy and exciting time in school as we all look forward to the summer. I hope you are  still keeping well and looking after each other at home.

I have attached this weeks learning grid here

RRSA  – Article of the Week-Article


Primary 4 – Money – Summer Term Week 3 ( w/c 4th May)

Primary 3 – Fact Family  -Summer Term Week 3 ( w/c 4th May)

Worksheet fun :

3 digit addition ws1                                        3 digit addition ws2

3 digit subtraction worksheet 1                3 digit subtraction worksheet

4 digit addition worksheet 1                        4 digit addition worksheet 2

4 digit subtraction worksheet1              4 digit subtraction worksheet2


Spelling 26.5.20 and 1.6.20

Reading/ Writing Tasks –

Primary 3 Reading and writing tasks ( 2 week task from last week )

Primary 4 Reading and writing  task (  2 week task from last week)

Health and Wellbeing




Stick Activity

BBC Bitesize How the Heart Works

BBC birdsong montage

Feedback Friday

Good morning boys and girls , what a lot of work you have completed this week! I am super impressed with you all ! Some of you have finished all your Education City and Giglets work so I have added lots of new work on there for you, you can have a look today or next week.

Thank you to everyone who emailed back with a wee check in. It really is lovely to hear from you all! I check your e-portfolios and your emails so please get in touch if you need any help or if you just want to tell me how you are getting on.

I  was working in the Hub yesterday so if anyone messaged me, I will get back to you today.

I have added some of you fabulous work below.

Enjoy your sunny weekend 🙂

More sports day fun from last week


Preparing healthy snacks

Making Bird Feeders


Wellbeing Jars

Fun Outdoors and Indoors

Lots of written work

And a lovely birthday message from class friends !

Keep up all this amazing hard work ! I am proud of you all !

Mrs Ross


Wednesday Check In

Good morning Primary 3/4,

thank you to everyone who has replied to my check in email, it has been lovely to hear from you.

I enjoyed my holiday Monday and spent time with my family at home. We even had a carry out meal delivered as a treat. It was delicious!

I received a wee random act of kindness gift through my letterbox this week from one of the lovely teachers at Fenwick Primary. It put a big smile on my face and made me feel loved.  #bekind.

Eilidh has been spending her weekend baking. She has now perfected banana loaf and makes one every week for her grandpa. Do you remember we made banana loaf in class together?

Today is my big brother’s 50th birthday (and I know that he shares his birthday with 2 boys in our class!) We are disappointed that we can’t celebrate with all our family together. I have ordered a special afternoon tea to be delivered to him with sandwiches and cakes. We are going to have a virtual family party tonight to celebrate with him. 

I have been trying hard to keep fit and healthy during lockdown and I have a new fitbit that is helping me to get outside and  do lots of steps every day. I have been trying to eat lots of healthy, colourful food during the day too. This is making me feel much happier and in a positive mood .

Stay safe and healthy everyone and let me know what you have been doing.

From Mrs Ross


Learning Grids

Good Morning Primary3/4

I hope you enjoyed your holiday yesterday and had some time to relax.

This weeks learning grid can be found here


You’ve got mail!

I have sent you all an email this morning to see how you all are. It would be lovely to hear back from you all. If you have not checked your email yet, you will find it if you log in to your glow account. Then click on  the Mail icon (you might be asked to set the date first)

A little “Hello” from me


Mis Dasgupta’s Expressive Arts grid has a focus on music. You can access this here

Numeracy and Maths

Rigour Maths 1st Level May Calendar –  Primary 3 and Primary 4

1st Level May Calendar Answers – check when you have finished 

Rigour Maths 2nd Level May Calendar- Challenge  for P 4  (we have not learned about questions – 6,8,9,10,14,16,24,26,27,29 and 31 so don’t panic but give the calendar a try.)

2nd Level May Calendar Answers- check when you have finished 

 Totality-  print out and play here

NRich maths game all you need is paper and pencil

NRich maths problem solving multiplication teaser

NRich maths problem solving- Sort the street

 Primary 3- Whiterose maths go to week 2 fraction activities

Primary 4 – Whiterose maths go to week 2 fraction activities


Try and write some sentences using your words and use your Active Spelling Strategies to Practise your words.

These Spelling Words are for the next 2 weeks

Reading/ Writing Tasks –

Primary 3 Reading and writing tasks ( this is a 2 week task)

Primary 4 Reading and writing  task ( this is a 2 week task) 


Create your own Wormery

Health and Wellbeing

Everybody Worries- read this story about feeling worried

While we can’t hug – watch this story about how it feels not to hug

Story bots – emotions – watch this short clip about your feelings

P.E Challenge Cards



I hope you enjoy some of these activities this week.

Mrs Ross


Feedback Friday

Good morning  boys and girls, it’s Virtual Sports Day today.

I hope you all have some fun taking part and take lots of photographs to share with the me.

It has been great to see all your hard work during our Health Week. I will share some of your photos and activities at the bottom of this blog. Well done to all of you!

Well done to all of you who took part in the HT walk 500 mile challenge. Here is the video of #teamfenwick.  Hallhouse care home were delighted with their £240.50 donation.

Walk500Miles Challenge Video

It is a holiday weekend so  our Learning Grid will be sent out on Tuesday 26th May with a little video and well-being email from me to you all. So look out for that on Tuesday.

I am so proud of our class in their team effort to come 2nd in the East Ayrshire Sumdog Competition! WELL DONE to you all!   What a #team!


We received a certificate for being the Daily Winners on the 19th May. Here is our certificate and the PDF for you to print at home if you would like. Sumdog Daily Winner Certificate

Outdoor learning  – fishing and heron spotting, just like the heron in This Morning I Met a Whale!

Personal projects and lots of hard work!

Keeping our hearts healthy in Health Week

Puzzles and  still life art work

Feeding the birds

Woodland Olympics

Outdoor Art

Wednesday Update

Good morning Primary 3/4

Another busy week and I am really enjoying seeing all your Health Week activities. Lots of you are getting ready for our virtual sports day on Friday.

Exciting news boys and girls ! Primary 3/4  are top of the Sumdog leader board at the moment!  Well done everyone , what a team! Keep on playing and see if we can stay there until Thursday !

My biggest boy, Euan,  started a new summer job this week (since he has now left school).  He is stocking the fruit and vegetables at Morrisons . He is hoping to save lots of his money for when he starts university in September. I am looking forward to using his discount card for all my shopping. Maybe I should  give you a learning task to calculate how much money I will save each week with my shopping 😉

I have been missing spending time with my best friend, like many of you are. We have been friends  since we were 3 years old. I sent her a little card with a photo of us in it to let her know I miss her. I thought you might like to see the photo. They are taken 40  years apart! I wonder if you will  all still be friends in 40 years time.

I have been looking for lots of new activities for you for next week’s learning grid. Joshua asked me to let you all know that he has found a fabulous website that he thinks you might enjoy. This is the website, please ask a grown up to help you :

Adventure Academy

  I have been writing lots of your reports and looking at all the hard work you have been doing this week. It makes me smile when I see  your photos  and E-portfolios.

Keep working hard and enjoy spending time with your families.

Take care

Mrs Ross

Feedback Friday

Good Morning Primary 3/4,

I have enjoyed seeing all your VE Day work and photographs from last week and all the miles you have been walking this week.  You are a very busy class!

Some of you have been emailing me to tell me what you have been doing or sending me your photographs of the work you have finished. Lots of you have been updating your e-portfolios or just commenting on the class blog page. Thank you for all your messages, it is lovely to hear from you and to  know that you are all well.

I check every day how you have been getting on with Education City, Giglets and Sumdog tasks. It is great to see the progress you are making with all these activities. I will add new books to Giglets next week. We have entered the East Ayrshire Sumdog Contest, so get playing between 15th May – 21st May!

Here is a selection of some of the work you have been completing at home this week. I am very proud of you all! Well done!



Thank everyone for sharing your learning this week. Enjoy your weekend. See you on Monday with our new learning grid for the week ahead.

Mrs Ross


Learning Grids 11.5.20

Good Morning Primary  3/4,

I hope you all enjoyed your VE Day work and celebrations last week.  I will share some of my photos on  my Wednesday check in.

This weeks Learning Grid can be found here. 

Expressive Arts Grid can be found here


I hope you enjoy some of the activities on here. If you complete any and would like to share a photo or tell me about what you did then you can email me, update your e-portfolio or comment on this blog. I will share a selection of work on Feedback Friday.

Literacy Tasks

 Spelling 11.5.20

Choose your reading challenge:

Mild Reading Challenge – Birds

Hot Reading Challenge – Birds

Spicy Reading Challenge – Birds

Extra Spicy Reading Challenge – Alexander Fleming

French Greetings song listen here

Numeracy Tasks

Numeracy Day Information

Number Talk Addition Strategies

Primary 4 Fraction WorkI would like you to complete : Week 1 (all lessons) Unit and non-unit fractions. Find this work here. 

Primary 3 Fraction Work : I would like you to complete :Week 1 ( all lessons) Unit and non-unit fractions. Find this work here. 

Other Activities

Expressive Arts grid here : here

bottle top game Activity 

Enjoy your week.

Mrs Ross


Feedback Friday 8.5.20

Good Morning Primary 3/4

What a busy week you have all had! You have been sharing so many things with me and it has been lovely to see all your hard work.

I hope you are enjoying your holiday today and have lots planned for your VE Day celebrations. Remember to send in your photos.

The staff are all having a virtual Tea Party this

afternoon to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of VE Day.


Here is a selection of your fabulous work.

Amazing  art work

Someone has green fingers!

Wonderful written work, lots of challenging work completed.

I have been learning lots of new and exciting facts from these Power Points. Thank you for sharing them 🙂




Lots of blog updates and stories to read.

Happy holiday weekend everyone, see you on Monday with our new learning grid

Mrs Ross 🙂


Learning Grid Week Beginning 4.5.20

The theme for our learning this week is:

 VE Day 75th Anniversary

This week Learning Grid can be found    HereAn additional Expressive Arts Grid can be found on the school Resources blog – here

Here is a PPT for you to watch about VE day : VE Day Powerpoint

Watch this Newsround Clip about VE Day :  Newsround

Numeracy/Maths activities

Morse Code Activities: Morse Code Activity

Money Activity – Rationing –Shopping Activity VE Day

Literacy Activities

( answers are attached so please don’t peek until you are ready to self assess your work 🙂  )

VE Reading Comp Mild Challenge

VE Reading Comp Hot Challenge

VE Reading Comp Spicy Challenge

VE Day Spicy spicy! Comprehension Challenge


Spelling 4.5.20

HWB Activities

Mindfulness Cards : mindfulness-challenge-cards

VE Day Art Activities



Design a VE Day Medal