Tag Archives: home learning

Friday Feedback #teamfenwick

We won!

Well Primary 3/4 what a way to end our school year, winning the East Ayrshire Sumdog Contest ! Out of 100 classes that entered we were 1st place !

I am so proud of you all. I wish we were together in school to celebrate. I really do believe  we are the best class in Fenwick Primary School 😉

Well done to Ellis who  was a top 10 scorer in the contest.

I will email all  certificates to your glow email to print at home.

I have loved reading your blogs, looking at your photographs, seeing what you have been doing online and hearing how you have all been getting on at home. You are all Gold Award Dojo Winners !

I will be thinking about you all over the holidays and I cant wait to come and visit you all in your new classes in August!  

Take care of yourselves, remember to be kind and have lots  fun with your family and friends.

with love from

Mrs Ross



Wednesday Check In

I can’t believe we are at the last Wednesday check in before the summer holidays!

This week I have been in school  getting lots of things ready in my new classroom for next year. It feels sad being in school without you all there and I miss all the buzz and fun that we all have together in Fenwick Primary.

I hope you all got a chance to see the Virtual Prize Giving Ceremony. 

You can view this here.

Well done to every single one of you in Primary 3/4  for achieving the 125 Community Cup for all of your achievements and community spirit in lockdown ! It really has been a difficult time and I am proud of you all!

Well done to Ellis for achieving  the Primary 3 Endeavour Award and to Susan for achieving the Primary 4 Endeavour Award.

I have been  doing some work in my garden last week  and after power washing my decking I oiled it all and I am really pleased with the finished results.  Unfortunately it has rained every day since I have done that , but on Tuesday evening I managed a quick cup of tea before the rain started again!

I have been challenging myself to walk 20,000 steps each day so I have been walking early in the morning and late in the evening. Tonight when I was out for a walk with Olive a young fox sat and watched us from the garden. He looked very nosy and wanted to play with Olive. She was not interested and just wanted to chase her ball.

Mr Ross and I  collected lots of tree stumps from Greenbank Gardens beside where we live. We spoke to the gardener who had been chopping lots of trees down in the woods and he said we could take as many as we could carry. We will chop them up for our wood burner in the winter. It was heavy work, Olive helped us by sniffing them a lot! Friday will be the last day for our lovely Miss Jaffrey. She is off to University in August to train to be a primary teacher. We wish her lots of luck. I have sent her a wee card and a present from all of us in the class. I hope she shares a little picture of it with you when it arrives!

I hope you all have a lovely week in the sunshine and remember to keep playing Sumdog whenever you can !

I will post our final Friday feedback and share the Sumdog results with you all then.

From Mrs Ross


Feedback Friday

Good morning Primary  3/4,

Next week will be our last week of home learning before the summer holidays.  I am very proud of all the things you have been doing at home and how well you have all been coping with not being at school:)

Here is some of the fabulous work that you have completed this week. I will add more throughout today as I look at all your hard work.


This week our writing and reading tasks were all about the jungle and 1 little jungle animal made a guest appearance this week too !


Remember today is the start of the East Ayrshire Sumdog Competition so get playing to help us move up the leaderboard ! 🙂

Our class contest has now ended and this week’s top ten on the leaderboard looks like this :

Well  done Susan who won this week’s contest. 🙂

Have a lovely weekend


Mrs Ross



Wednesday Check In

Good morning boys and girls,

Only one more week of school before the start of the summer holidays. The staff have all been busy this week getting things organised for our last week of term. Keep your eye on our blog for more news!

I have been in school this week getting things organised for our return in August. It felt very strange at first being in the building but it felt good to be back in our lovely wee school!So today I will have a look at my emails and your blogs to see what you have been doing while I have been in Fenwick Primary.

At home I have enjoyed meeting up with some of my friends for a cup of tea in their garden and a blether. My dad came and had a BBQ with us in our back garden and it was lovely to spend time with him.   I am still doing lots of walking , last night the bats were swooping around our heads as we were walking past the woods behind our house. There have been some beautiful sunsets t his week.

Don’t forget that the East Ayrshire Sumdog Contest starts this Friday! Good luck Primary 3/4!

Keep sending me your messages and keep me up to date with all the things you have been doing.

Take care

Mrs Ross


Learning Grid 15.6.20

Good morning Primary 3/4.

  I have attached this weeks learning grid here. As usual, please complete what you can and what you and your parents choose and then email me any photos or work or post an update on your e-portfolio. Enjoy your week 🙂 .

A link to Miss Dasgupta’s Expressive arts grid can be found here.

Some more fun activities and games to try at home:  East Ayrshire SAC Families and Communities


Primary 3

Primary 3 Measure and Length Flashback Powerpoint Questions

1.Primary 3 Measure Revision  Centimetres Worksheet

2.Primary 3 Measure Revision metres Worksheet

3.Primary 3 Measure Revision Compare lengths Worksheet

4.Primary 3 Measure Revision Order lengths Worksheet

5. Primary 3 Measure Roundup Worksheet

Shapes Outdoors

Primary 4

Primary 4 Measure and Length Flashback Powerpoint Questions

Primary 4 Measure Revision Worksheet 1

Primary 4 Measure Revision Worksheet 2

Primary 4 Measure Revision Worksheet 3

Primary 4 Measure Revision Worksheet 4

Primary 4 Measure Revision Worksheet 5

Shapes Outdoors


Primary 3 Rainbows Talk for Writing( week 2 of task)

Primary 4 Jungle Pack – Talk for Writing ( week 2 of task) 

Spelling 15.6.20

Mild Reading Challenge – Summer Solstice

Hot Reading Challenge – Summer Solstice

Spicy Reading Challenge – Summer Solstice


PATHS SEL Pictionary Activity

PATHS Challenge Hide and Seek

Mindful breathing

BBC Bitesize Communictaing with Sign Language


BSL learn to sign the alphabet

BSL sign a song

RRSA Article of the week 15.6.20

School Values Whole School Task – PDF

Feedback Friday

Good morning Primary 3/4,

another very busy week for you all with lots of fantastic activities being completed at home.

I will post the results of this weeks Class Sumdog Competition later this morning. The competition ends at 10a.m today!

As always if you have any questions or you want to show me any of your work on line then please either email me, post on your e-portfolio or leave me a comment here.

Here is a selection of some of the fabulous things you have been doing over the last week. Well done to you all.

Stop the press!

We have a World Record Breaker in the class!

A calendar competition entry winner!

Outdoor Learning


Science Experiments



Numeracy and Literacy

Education City

Thank you for sharing all of this wonderful home learning with me. I will have a look at today’s work this afternoon.

Have a great weekend everyone!

From Mrs Ross



Wednesday Check In

Good morning boys and girls,

I hope you are all safe and well. It has been so long since we were all together in school and I still miss you all very much.  It is very important to be looking after your health and well being just now and just spend time on  home learning whenever you can.

I am getting more used to working from home and seeing and chatting to  the Fenwick staff on our virtual meetings. I hope you enjoy some of the activities that I plan for you each week. It really is lovely when I see all the things you have been doing.

WE are still  going for lots of big long walks around our local area, sometimes we all go together. We talk about all the things we are looking forward to doing when things get back to a bit more normal. The boys  have all agreed that they cant wait to go and get their hair cut (not by me!) .

Euan has signed for a new football team and has lots of virtual training sessions to complete and I have been joining in with his 10 minute HIIT sessions each day. I am getting better  but it is hard to keep up with Euan! I have a very red face when I’m finished!

Fraser and Murray have been enjoying going out on their bikes together and have cycled to the windfarm twice this week.

Eilidh had a virtual Guide Camp this weekend and I had great fun helping her with lots of the activities. I used to love going on guide camp when I was younger and I was a Brown Owl for lots of years so it reminded me of all the songs I used to sing and games we played. She has achieved her bronze Guide a ward and is working towards her silver award now.

I saw the other  Mrs Ross this week too and she said to say hello to you all! She misses visiting us and helping out on trips and in class.

I hope you have all had a good week so far. I will post feedback on all the work that you send me and I will put  the Sumdog Class Contest on the blog on Friday.

Keep smiling and having fun at home!


Mrs Ross


Learning Grid

Good morning boys and girls.

Welcome to our Rights Respecting whole school themed week. Last year we were delighted to achieve our Silver Award and we are continuing our journey to GOLD

You can read the Articles from the UNCRC here.

Your learning grid can be found here 

School Values Whole School Task

Numeracy Activities

Rigour Maths – June Calendars

1st Level June Calendar(Primary 3 and Primary 4)

1st Level June Calendar Answers

2nd Level June Calendar- Primary 4 Challenge

2nd Level June Calendar Answers

White Rose Maths :

Primary 3  2D/3D  Shape

Flashback Revision Questions Primary 3

Recognise-2D-and-3D-shapes Primary 3 worksheets

Sort-2D-shapes Primary 3 Worksheet

PPT2-Count-sides-on-2D-shapes-2019 Primary3

Make-patterns-with-2D-shapes Primary 3 worksheet

Lines-of-symmetry2D Shape Primary 3 Worksheet

Draw-2D-shapes Primary 3 worksheet

Count-vertices-on-2D-shapes Primary 3 Worksheet

Count-sides-on-2D-shapes Primary 3 Worksheet

Primary 4 2D/3D Shape

Primary 4 Flashback Revision Questions

Recognise-and-describe-2D-shapes Primary 4 Worksheet

Make-3D-shapes Primary 4 worksheet

Recognise-and-describe-3D-shapes-Primary 4 worksheet

Literacy Activities

Primary 3

Primary 3 Rainbows Talk for Writing -2 week activity 

Primary 3 Reading for Information – Mild Challenge

Primary 3 Reading for Information – Hot challenge

Primary 3 Reading for Information – Spicy Challenge

Primary 4

Primary 4 Jungle Pack – Talk for Writing- 2 week activity

Primary 4 Reading for Information – Mild Challenge

Answers – Primary 4 Reading for Info Mild Challenge

Primary 4 Reading for Information – Hot Challenge

Answers – Primary 4 Reading for Info 4 Hot Challenge

Spelling/ Common Words

Use your Active Literacy Strategies to practise your Weekly Words

Spelling Words  8.6.20

RRSA Activities

Article of the Week

Wild June power point

30 days of wildlife nature table

30 Days Wild Bingo

Plants and Flowers Hunt sheet

Tree Identification Sheet

Window Poster colour-in

Sharks are awesome

Virtual Sharks Video


You will find Miss Dasgupta’s Expressive Arts Grid  here

Article 31  Every child has the right to  take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.

Have a good week everyone and I look forward to seeing the work that you have completed on your blog or by email. I will share some of the good work on Feedback Friday.

from Mrs Ross



Feedback Friday

Another very busy week from Primary 3/4. Sumdog games, Education City Activities and Giglets all played online ! I am impressed with some of your fabulous accuracy ! Well done!

On Sumdog you will find some class challenges that you can play. I will post the results of this weeks class competitions at lunchtime today !

Thank you for sharing all your fabulous work with me on your blog and by email. Here is a selection of some of your activities this week.

Lots of learning and fun outdoors:

Learning Grid Tasks

Online Learning

Enjoy your weekend boys and girls. Your RRSa Focus Learning Grid will be posted on Monday at 9am.

Mrs Ross



Wednesday Check In

Good morning boys and girls,

What a lovely few days of sunshine we have all had. It always makes me feel better when the sun is shining.

One of your tasks this week was to find out about what your heart does and about your blood. On Wednesday  afternoon last week I went to give blood in Glasgow. I hope it helps someone who might need it.

We have been having lots of BBQs and spending time together in the garden. We got a new paddling pool for the garden and there was a lot of fun splashing and keeping cool on the very hot days.

My children have been very excited that they can now see their friends one at a time outside. Fraser went for a cycle with his friend Zach, Murray played tennis with his friend at the local tennis club where he is a member, Eilidh went to the park with her best friend Abigail and Euan visited his friend’s garden. We also visited my brother’s garden to celebrate his birthday. We sat outside together and it felt lovely to see him in the flesh and not over the computer screen.

I am looking forward to seeing all your updates this week.

Mrs Ross
