P5/6 – Buddy Visit

Buddy Visit: Read a Story

The Primary 5/6 pupils showcased exceptional kindness and respect as they paired up with their ECC buddies for a shared reading session on Friday afternoon. They demonstrated excellent patience and genuine enthusiasm when helping their buddy to pick a book then reading it to them. The pupils really helped to create a nurturing environment. Not only did they do an excellent job of demonstrating expression and passion when reading, they also demonstrated our school’s values of kindness and respect throughout the whole visit – true role models for our younger children.

P5/6 – PE (rugby)

Health and Wellbeing: PE
Rugby – Evasion Skills

P5/6 have started a new PE block focusing on rugby skills.
We are very lucky to have some rugby players in our class so this week Mason demonstrated leadership skills by explaining then demonstrating the game ‘rabbits and rats’ which continued our practice on using different movements to evade our opponents. The game was enjoyed by all pupils and incorporated a bit of fun competition.
Well done Mason!

P5/6 – Numeracy Update

Numeracy and Mathematics: Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

Primary 5/6 have been learning lots about about the link between fractions, decimals and percentages. They were able to use their prior knowledge of how to calculate fraction amounts to then make links between fractions and percentages and calculate percentages of a quantity. Super efforts today with all of their tasks!